For Adults: JW's and Sex/ Part II

by teenyuck 15 Replies latest social relationships

  • teenyuck

    Well, I now have the answer--oral sex is bad. From the Just JW website comes more insightful information.

    The original thread is at:

    Reseacher Tony apparently could not let this one die. He had to give an opinion!

    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Delete Message 1 of 23 in Discussion

    From: teenyuck (Original Message) Sent: 06/03/2002 14:14
    Hello All,
    I am new here...I was raised in the truth..I am third generation. My great-grandfather was one of the 144,000.

    I am married to an unbeliever. I met him at work and he was very kind and thoughtful. He thought I was beautiful in spite of my obvious faults. We were married a few years ago and I have a very embarrassing question that I simply cannot speak to someone about...I am mortified and need advice.

    My husband and I enjoy oral sex...I was looking through some old bound volumes in my mothers basement and came across some information that is disturbing me...the old magazines say that it is wrong to do. I have stopped doing this with my husband...he does not understand why.

    I am totally confused. I do not know what to do. I cannot speak to my mother..she has never discussed this type of thing. I was unable to photocopy the magazines and I do not know how to use a scanner. I am not even sure if my mother has a scanner.

    Anyway, is there some spiritual advice I can get...anonymously? I simply cannot talk about this with the elders...they are men and looking at someone and discussing this would be devestating.

    Any help from married brothers and sisters would be appreciated.
    Love and regards,

    Researcher Tony really got into it:

    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 4 of 23 in Discussion

    From: reseacher tony Sent: 07/03/2002 03:12
    Hi, this is Tony, I would like to add to what Ken has said...
    Sometimes, information like this can be had to find.. but it is there.
    Our Cong. Once had a Talk on this, I remember, because to hear any talk on this is hair raising.
    Even in marriage, there are things that are called "unclean", oral sex ,anal sex were described as such.
    "Loose conduce" , "uncleanness" are good to look up in index

    w92 7/15 8-13 Christ Hated Lawlessness-Do You?

    Hating Sexual Uncleanness

    15 As Christians, we must particularly hate all uncleanness that involves sexual matters. By creating mankind with strong mating instincts, God served two fine purposes. He made certain that the human race would not die out, and he also made a most loving provision for happiness. Even people who are poor, illiterate, or disadvantaged in some other way can find great happiness in the marital relationship. However, Jehovah has set bounds within which this relationship may be enjoyed. These divinely stated limits must be respected.—Genesis 2:24; Hebrews 13:4.

    16 If we hate lawlessness, we will studiously avoid all sexually unclean practices and immoral entertainment. We will therefore avoid all morally questionable books, magazines, and newspapers. Likewise, if we hate lawlessness, we will not view any unclean visual presentations, whether on television, in motion pictures, or on the stage. If we find a program to be immoral, we should be moved to switch off the television set at once or should have the courage to leave the theater. Similarly, hating lawlessness will make us guard against all music that is passion-arousing in its lyrics or its tempo. We will not seek knowledge of immoral matters but will be ‘babes as to badness, yet full-grown in powers of understanding.’—1 Corinthians 14:20.

    I Know there is more, I just can't find it. Ask an Elder you can talk too, and ask, he'll known were to look.


    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 5 of 23 in Discussion

    From: reseacher tony Sent: 07/03/2002 03:21
    If you need more information then this, maybe someone, and even I can ask for you.
    Its a gutsy subject, hard for any to ask, but I'll try myself. Oh boy!!!

    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 6 of 23 in Discussion

    From: reseacher tony Sent: 07/03/2002 03:57
    I Found it....Great, and I didn't have to ask anyone...Oh boy!!!

    tp 142-51 13 Your View of Sex-What Difference Does It Make?

    Wisely Avoiding All Uncleanness and Sexual Greed

    17 Sexual relations plainly have a proper place in the lives of married persons. God provided this as the means by which children would be produced, and also as a source of pleasure to the parents. (Genesis 9:1; Proverbs 5:18, 19; 1 Corinthians 7:3-5) Nevertheless, he warned against abusing this gift.—Ephesians 5:5.

    18 Because of the emphasis placed on sex today, many young folks find that their desire for sexual satisfaction is aroused even before they are in position to marry. As a result, some of them seek pleasure through self-stimulation of their sexual parts. This is masturbation, or self-abuse. Is it a proper or wise practice?

    19 The Scriptures counsel: "Deaden, therefore, your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness." (Colossians 3:5) Is one who practices masturbation ‘deadening his body members as respects sexual appetite’? On the contrary, he is stimulating the sexual appetite. The Bible urges that one avoid the thinking and conduct that lead to such problems, replacing them with wholesome activity, and that one cultivate self-control. (Philippians 4:8; Galatians 5:22, 23) When earnest effort is put forth to do this, such self-abuse can be avoided, with benefits mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

    20 What the Bible says respecting "uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire" applies to all Christians, single and married. It is true that husband and wife have a Scriptural right to engage in sexual relations with each other. But does this mean that they can throw off all restraint? The fact that God’s Word urges all Christians to cultivate self-control argues against such a view. (2 Peter 1:5-8)

    The inspired Bible writer did not have to explain the natural way in which the reproductive organs of husband and wife complement each other. Homosexual relations obviously cannot follow this natural way. So, male and female homosexuals employ other forms of intercourse in what the apostle refers to as "disgraceful sexual appetites" and "obscene" practices. (Romans 1:24-32) Could married couples imitate such homosexual forms of intercourse in their own marriage and still be free in God’s eyes from expressing "disgraceful sexual appetites" or "hurtful desire"?

    21 On considering what the Scriptures say, a person may realize that his former thinking on these matters was molded by those who are, as the Bible says, "past all moral sense." But, with God’s help, one can "put on the new personality," which is molded in accord with God’s standards of righteousness. (Ephesians 4:17-24) In this way a person shows that he truly means it when he says that he wants to do God’s will.

    18, 19. (a) Why is the practice of masturbation, or self-abuse, not proper for a Christian? (b) What can help a person to avoid such a practice?

    20. What shows that it would not be proper for husband and wife to throw off all restraint in their sexual relations with each other?

    21. Regardless of what a person’s way of life may have been in the past, what opportunity is open to him now?

    Tony's final response to someone asking why he is not providing specific biblical information:

    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 15 of 23 in Discussion

    From: reseacher tony Sent: 04/04/2002 07:12
    Can I be there, in the same room, when you debate this in front of the congregation Elders listening ears.
    I just want to see the shock on their faces.
    RED is my favorite colour.

    Puting your mouth on the genitals of someone...

    is unclean,
    disgraceful sexual appetites,
    "obscene" practices,
    imitate such homosexual forms of intercourse or otherwise.[/b]

    I hope I never have to sit throw any talks that must explain this in detail... may God..Man... are you that far gone, that someone must debate with you on this.

    Asked any Elder, and after you have to pick him up off the floor, give some air, glass of water, and time too get over the shock, so as to explain it to you...!!!

    There it is; one of the more righetous ones has finally made it clear!!!

  • 2SYN


    It must be excellent being married to a Dub. May God help me. And I'm an athiest!

    I'm sure glad we don't vote anymore like we did before we got the truth. Now we get to complain about everything ALL the politicians do!
    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate, Africa

  • AvailableLight

    How can you get to this community?

  • teenyuck

    Hi AvailableLight,

    Here is the address:

    I registered to join...I was accepted and can make comments. I have not yet. There is not a whole lot going on there.

    There is a post by the moderator, Joel, which says they may make people tell what KH they go to or to give the latest info from a Watchtower!!! Similar to The

    This one about oral sex was priceless though!

  • AvailableLight

    Thanks for the info.

    I did find the community but it appears that thread has been deleted or something. Nothing like JW censorship.

  • butalbee

    Just wanted to say a quick hello. My name is Ramona and I'm currently studying with jw's with a view to baptism in the very near future. I have a few hurdles to get over, but I hope that I can gain some valuable info from any experiences you may have in how your faith has been strenghtened.

    I have at times, come across jw boards, advertising for jw's only, only to find the boards full of bitter, calous apostates. This disheartens me. They are truly blind to the truth. So bitter, they can't see the big picture.

    But I can.

    I went to the Memorial on Thursday...It was truly moving. I was raised a jw but left as a teen and am now waking up to my HUGE mistake!!!! Thursday's memorial was the second one I've been too since studying....I'm thoroughly enjoying the positive association of my fellow brothers and sisters.

    I hope to find that here too.

    Anyone who would like to chat...I'm all ears. I warn you though....once I get started you can't shut me up!!!!!!!

    Gee--I wonder what apostate board she is refering to?

  • butalbee

    Puffsrule--That was priceless!!! Thanks for the laugh.

  • teenyuck

    Very strange....

    When I click on the Just JW address I was sent through Hotmail, I get a different page than the one I posted here.

    When I go through Hotmail, I use

    I just clicked on the web address I listed previously and get a different is for Worldwide JW's and Friends

    They seem to be connected, however, not the same. My listing (screen name) is not there, even though I can see posts that show up on both.

    Try and see what may get to the proper page.

    edited for error

  • SYN

    All of these Dub communities are approximately as exciting as watching facial hair form. Isn't it cool that the greatest site dealing with Jehovahs Witnesses on the Internet is almost completely anti? With some strident pro-Dub voices nonetheless, but for the most part! That's excellent, and shows we're making some headway. WTBTS, you'll never brainwash us!

    It really is such an amazingly beautiful series of interlocking systems that comprise what a human is. It's too bad we're working backwards from the object code, everything would be simpler with the source and a comment or three thrown in.

  • slipnslidemaster

    OMG!!!!! This is an apostate board??!!?!?!

    Slipnslidemaster:"I worked very hard and I earned all the attention I'm getting."
    - Anna Kournikova

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

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