We have no history so I’m clueless about where you’re going with this.
I *do* remember the Jensen guy, though. His email was posted here by kent without his consent, if I remember right. The guy was scared shitless after the fact. Thought he was gonna be df’d or something once the Watchtower trolls zeroed in on his real identity – the poor sap.
All I can say is that the guy wasn’t too bright in sending kent his views if he thought kent was going to respect his privacy. kent has an agenda against the WTS—only the Devil and the deep blue sea knows why—and the Norwegian is compelled... driven by wild horses, to fulfill his mission, come hell or the df’ing of whoever. If it knocks a brick out of the Tower, that’s all kent cares about, regardless of the personal anguish that falls on the individual who has to live with who-knows-what thereafter.
Every movement requires a sacrificial lamb or two, and as bad as I feel for what may have happened to Bro. Jensen, others should at least know that if they contact kent with their dissenting views, they
WILL... BE... “OUTED.”
p.s. Rick... not many responses to this thread, but a helluva lot of views. You’ve touched a nerve.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to
time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." – Thomas Jefferson.