You wrote: So if I dont believe this [Jesus was and is God], I'm not a Christian?
No, you are not.
You wrote: I know heaps of Christians who dont believe the above...I was one.
I know of none. I know of a lot of cult members who presently have a relationship with men and not with God, who falsely identify themselves as Christians, who don't believe Jesus was and is God. I was one.
You wrote: And yet no man has seen God. But people saw Jesus.
Christians believe that when Jesus was on earth he was both fully man and fully God. At that time people saw Jesus the man. However, this does not prove that Jesus was not then also God.
Water can exist as both ice and steam. But it cannot exist in both forms simultaneously. However, water is physical. God is spiritual. God created physical laws for the benefit of physical objects and physical beings. Because He did, and because He is not a physical being, He was, at the time Christ walked this earth, not subject to our physical laws. Thus, unlike water which can exist in more than one form but not simultaneously, God was then able to be both fully God and fully man simultaneously. Impossible you say? For man, yes. For God, no. For what seems impossible to man is not impossible to God. For with God all things are possible.
You wrote: eeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ***headache***need****asprin****
You would think a divine perfect being could have written a book that was a little more clear, and a little less contradictory.
I hear that Dr. Michael Debakey, the famous heart surgeon, is a very smart man and that he knows a lot about human anatomy. That being the case, he should have no trouble explaining it all to an ant. And since Debakey is so smart and knows so much about human anatomy, and would thus be able to teach it quite well, the ant should have no trouble fully understanding all Debakey explains to it on the subject matter.
Substitute God for Debakey, God's nature for human anatomy and us for the ant.
Do I really have to provide "proof texts" for the fact that the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ was and is God? Forget about the fact that John 1:1 clearly says so in all non-JW Bibles. Isaiah 9:6 prophesied that Jesus would "be called Mighty God" by his followers. That's God with an upper case G even in JW Bibles. Why? Because the Hebrew demands it. Know any JWs who "call" Jesus their "God"? I don't. But Christians do. Thomas did. He called Jesus "My Lord and my God." (John 20:28) Jesus said that we are to "Worship God alone." (Matt. 4:10; Luke 4:8) Yet Jesus accepted "worship" - the same Greek word - numerous times. (Matt. 2:11; 14:33; 28:9,17; Luke 24:52; John 9:38) Of course, the JW Bible translates the Greek word for "worship" - the same one Jesus used when he said that we should "worship" God alone - as "obeisance" whenever it is used in reference to Jesus and as "worship" whenever it is used in reference to God. Tricky.
You know I could go on and on with this. But I doubt you really want me to.
I hope all is well with you.