Witnessing to friends and family members who are Jehovah's Witnesses is a difficult task. The Witnesses are trained to both overcome arguments disproving their faith, as well as to ignore any doctrinal difficulties with which they may be confronted. Our resources will help you in your evangelistic encounters.
Educate Yourself on the Watchtower Society
This page contains links to web sites and pages having to do with Jehovah's Witnesses and recovery from the Watchtower. Devoted to providing resources to those investigating the JWs as a possible way of life or those who have loved ones trapped inside the Watchtower and desperate to get them out.
Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan
In this eye-opening account, Steven Hassan, a former cult member and leading expert on destructive cults, shows how unsuspecting individuals are targeted for recruitment, isolated from family and friends, and psychologically manipulated. He identifies those groups which use behavior modification techniques to gain money, influence, and power, and shows how you can protect yourself and your family from their insidious influence.
"Beyond its value as an illuminating personal account, this book is an informative and practical guide to cult-related issues...recommended to lay persons who wish to become better informed on this topic and to professionals whose responsibilities bring them into contact with cults, their members, and families whose lives are affected."
Cults in Our Midst by Margaret Thaler Singer
If you want a comprehensive education in how cults operate and the tactics they use then you must obtain this entertaining and most informative and important work by an eminent psychologist who has worked first hand with those involved in cults of all persuasions! As one reader commenting on stated, "Learn the difference between a convincing argrument and being brainwashed. The mind you save may be your own. This should be required reading in every school and in every parent's group in the country." NOTE: This book does not mention Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower Society at all. However, any JW or ex-JW reading it will be convinced that this book was written with JWs in mind. Although it wasn't, this uneasy feeling proves how The Watchtower Society is no different than any other mind-control cult. They all come from the same cookie-cutter.