I made an effort to plow thru the latest bullsh*t from the WTS in regard to the faithful slave, etc. I must admit that, their latest set of interpretations make more sense than formerly. They seem to have done away with 4-6 different 'comings' of Jesus and they pretty much stuck everything in the future, so they are off the hook in the present. Having done so, they still cling to Malachi to come up with 1918-1919 as somehow special. Otherwise, so long, Chuck Russell, it was nice knowin' you. Good quality propaganda. Although, most Witlesses will simply go into a semi-hypnotic fog as it gets discussed (as usual). Hey Bethel Monitors, you need to hold on to whatever spin artist came up with this - he has talent ! The Obama Administration could hire him away! That said, it still leaves a mystery: they have explained away the "Evil Slave" by saying 'we're such nice guys and totally faithful, so being evil is just hypothetical'. But if the Faithful Slave is collective (not the simple, logical view that Jesus was advising individuals to be faithful) then the Evil Slave is collective , too. So, in Watchtowerland, we are left with the notion that the Whole Faithful Slave could turn bad. Not just a few. Go figure metatron
So, The Entire Governing Body Could Go Apostate?
by metatron 16 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry, I keep losing the full array of edit functions on some posts....
Hey Bethel Monitors, you need to hold on to whatever spin artist came up with this - he has talent !
Maybe Fred Franz was one of those millions then living who would never die...
Ding - "Maybe Fred Franz was one of those millions then living who would never die..."
The man's legacy has certainly lived on.
zed is dead
They already are!
Maybe Fred Franz was one of those millions then living who would never die..
.Or maybe his nephew Ray was resurrected to heaven and is trying to undo all the nonsense Uncle Freddy started while he was here.
According to what I was taught in the 1960s the current GB are apostate to those older teachings.
Moses Unedited
Freddy Franz’s now infamous talk at the Gilead Graduation, where he argued against the concept of a central governing body was probably the most (or only) rational idea he ever expressed. From a Biblical perspective, he was spot on. However, the organizational machinery rolled on and squashed that in a hurry. No cult can be effective without centralized authoritarians.
According to what I was taught in the 1960s the current GB are apostate to those older teachings.
I could`nt go back and say I still believe what was taught back then..
I`d be tossed out..
Apostasy is Built into the WBT$ System,it`s a Cult based on Apostasy..
Unless your willing to constantly abandon former WBT$ beliefs..
You won`t last long in the WBT$..