Apostate Symposium 2013 San Diego District Convention

by problemaddict 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tylinbrando

    How about a sign that asks, "Do you know TTATT?"

    or "Candace Conti vs. Jehovah's Witnesses" or

    "Are you being controlled? B.I.T.E. Behavior, information, thought, emotion."


    "Abused by Watchtower? Shunning, pedophilia, domestic violence, no blood.

    I don't think doctrinal stuff will ever work for picketers. It has to be something that catches attention and compels research.

  • Piercingtheveil81

    problemaddict, are you in english or spanish?

    I am in San Diego and served in both in the east county area as an MS and pioneer. I left about 4 years ago.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    There is a reason they keep bringing up this subject almost on a monthly basis. Elders and the Branch are being bombarded with questions from sincere Witnesses with serious tenure. These talks are only going to hit the super-righteous because the rest of the JWs who are treated like dirt in the Kingdom Hall are going to hear a whisper in their minds asking "why is the Governing Body so afraid of these apostates, do they think I am too stupid to be unable to distinguish between the strong truths from the Society and the sticky-trickly taffy the Apostates use to tangle the mentally weak?

    My favorite subject during a time of my life was reading literture under the bans of Eastern Countries and the Governing Body is making the same mistakes the Stasi and Retsky made trying to keep the public in utter darkness with false news and a fake economy. Spirutal "bread and water" served to JWs every month while the Fat Cats at Bethel sample all of Pharohs and King Nebucanessor's fatty dishes is going to back-fire. How many members on the Governing Body look healthy and skinny, each appear to be getting their full share of the best dishes of ancient Babylon while their faithful servants are starving to death!

  • Zordino

    But they (WT) have been serving up Bullshit Burgers with a side order of Fraud Fries for over 130 years! They've always tasted weird to me even as a kid.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    An A+ from me for using the analogy of food poisoning to scare the sheeples. By going for the lowest common denominator- I mean, EVERYONE eats, they've tapped into that inherent disgust of slimy food and channeled it to drum up fear of people who no longer agree with WT teachings. Deplorable yes, but Hitlerly clever.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Poor JW's, its so sad their already mind-numbing brainwashed 'loyalty' is getting reinforced with this propaganda. Goebels would've been proud of this symposium.

    Great post above, worth repeating:

    This is what you get from an organization that doesn't have any good ideas left. These kinds of sophomoric clichés are the kind of messaging that is given to small children, not rational adults.

    This is no doubt timed to coincide with the most recent Watchtower article dealing with the changes in the Faithful Slave doctrine. The teaching committee and the writing department know this is going to cause some skeptical head-scratching; in the same way the 1995 "Generation" change was put into print. They know that some ex-Witnesses will be bringing up the topic of the "Faithful Slave selection" to Witnesses at the doors. These kinds of talks only serve to reinforce and maintain the siege mentality that they've inculcated in their members.

    When the recent doctrinal change is brought up to Witnesses, most of them will reason: "Wow! The organization just reminded us about this danger! This criticism is coming from Satan. I'm so grateful for the spiritual armor the organization provides us!" In this way, the average Witness does not even have to give any thought to the points being raised. They can simply dismiss it as "apostate ideas".

    When you read Steven Hassan's book: "Combatting Cult Mind Control", it is astounding how much of those tactics the Watchtower leadership uses on its members. As I wrote in another thread, the Watchtower is pretty much out of ideas. All of the old predictions and ideas of their "oracles" Russell, Rutherford, and Franz have failed miserably. They might be able to get some traction out of the 2034 date, but that's 20 years off. They need to keep the members in control right now. The internet has done incredible damage to their ability to mold and shape reality, and it will only get worse for the Watchtower. This isn't 1970 anymore. Members who have doubts can instantly begin to investigate their beliefs via the mobile device right there in their pocket.

    Google is a cult's worst nightmare. How do they even begin to battle that? They put on grandiose and pompous symposiums where they beat their chests and childishly denounce all dissent with childish clichés and slogans. A very feeble, losing strategy indeed!

  • BroMac

    Bethel speaker at San Diego

  • prologos

    re: spiritual food by apostates go to topic " bulletin from sFDA " recall and destroy.


    So, don't eat an apostate burger BUT go ahead and drink our Koolade.

    I fully expect to never see my only daughter again...and will not be surprised if I hear in the news about their ultimate mass suicide by following the cult leaders paranoid rantings. It's only a matter of time before the right lunatic gains control.


  • problemaddict

    Oubilette - I agree. The narrative is to create a preconcieved idea that anything they see.....no matter how much sense it might make.....is going to harm them anyways and is just a lie so no reason to believe it or look into it further.

    Designs - I don't know if they have a sense of humor. :)

    Londo - I actually corrected a couple of attendants I know making small talk. They asked if I "had their back" as a joke. Good guys, just super JW's. I told them those guys were just zealous evangelicals. We used to hand out leaflets and wear plackards outside of churches. So turnabout is fair play. You guys would get further if you didn't call them apostates, but showed love like Jesus told you to. (crickets)

    COBE - No worries

    Tylin - I could think of a few good sign ideas too, but then again I am not the ones out there with them. i am pretty sure it was church sponsored. There were alot of kids with signs.

    Piercing veil - Yo. I am in English. I know alot of people here, I am pretty sure we might have met. I am still "in" and trying not to get DF'd, although I haven't been to meetings in about 9 months now. My fade is taking a while. You know time moves slow out here. PM me.

    ArbolesArabia - I too think they are concerned. But honestly, the crowd was eating it up my friend. I mean EATING IT UP. Lots of laughs for the silly apostates, death and estruction, and toungue in cheek judgements.

    Zordino - Dude you really should have heard it.....and probably seen the look on my face. I couldn't hide it from my family.

    Julia - Yeah you got it. And the speaker was so smug (see BRO MAC's photo), that is really came off as just hilarious. Almost like you were an idiot if you felt even one ioda difference.

    yadda yadda - yes great post from Moses unedited. Its almost as if the talks were written for a largely uneducated and undiscerning mass of people? oh wait! The most tellign part, is that yes this is just pre-emptive. Changing who the FDS is, is a big deal, even if it "makes more sense" with what they teach now, than what they previously taught. So when people stand there looking at the magazine, and asking questions in the back of their mind, their fear of even their own thoguhts will remind them to listen, obey, and be blessed.

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