Is there going to be a new NWT or what ?

by sieborg 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • sieborg

    I dropped off my wife the other day at the cuircit ass and driving out of the car park i was flagged down by an elder i know. He was and still is one of the genuine ones, a real solid guy. Anyhoo, he tells me to come back as we are so close to the big A and he also tells me that a new bible is gonna be released. I say to him, how is that gonna work and he just says to me , come back and you will find out. I will find out anyway and proberbly before him, but it must be true because he would not lie i am sure of that.

    ive seen the threads on here about a new NWT, but now i have heard it from the horses mouth. any thoughts ?

  • problemaddict

    Nope. Don't think so.


    So far there has been no release of a NU-NWT. Only crappy cheap pamphlets harkening back to Russels day. I was told that there was an "unprecedented" release of new material!!! Oh, praise the GB for this provision!! It's all recycled food in a new wrapper!!


  • problemaddict

    Releases were...

    5 tracks made easier to distribute.

    An vague online research toll that is not an index but sort of like an index for JW's to do "research" with, coming Jan 1 2014.

    A book called "Imitate their Faith" based on the WT series or articles. Prob the next study book in the meetings.

    A DVD of the Prodigal son drama from 2009.

    A Brochure for very small kids that is benign enough.

    No new NWT but that is the speculation. They may just change a few things and release it to the halls without fanfare. Probably won't be any major changes if they do it at all.

  • respectful_observer

    A family member of mine (who is pragmatic toward many of the Org's imperfections but who I wouldn't describe as "awake") brought up the subject of the expectation of an updated NWT the other day. I speculated that perhaps they'll replace "loose conduct" with "brazen". The reaction was quick and sharp.

    "They can do that?!?"

    "Sure they can. They'll just say it's a more accurate translation."

    "They had better not. If I find out they feel like they can just change words in the Bible to better suit their current teachings, then there is something SERIOUSLY WRONG with the Organization TM ."

    Hopefully we'll have that question answered sooner rather than later!

  • jws

    The rumors started because apparently all the bibles are on backorder. This rumor is not only going around with us on this board, but among JWs as well. So it's not unlikely that his elder heard it too. No matter how nice of a guy he is, he probably isn't immune to the rumor mill, especially if it comes from a source he trusts. Doesn't mean it's going to happen.

    And let's face it, language evolves. Take the King James bible. The language of the day is no longer valid. We have new terms for the same ideas. So, a legitimate bible (not that I'm saying the NWT is one), might periodically update the language to the times. For instance, let's say 100 years ago, somebody was spoken of as being gay. That word carries a whole new meaning today.

    We are talking about translating ancient languages into a best-fit wording in English. And the best-fit does change over time.

    Yeah, no new release at the DC, unless they're going to do it at a future DC and then release to the other congregations through a special talk. There was a God's Word theme to the DC. Maybe they couldn't get enough printed in time. Keep in mind that it's a significant outlay for a large book like that. Money they won't get back until they start selling getting donations for them. So maybe they want to release differently so that they don't have as much of an up-front cost.

  • pixel

    If I'm not mistaken, there was the green-cover Bible, and then the black Bible without the reference column in the middle of the page, and then the one currently in use.

    Is somebody here that remembers the transition that the WT used with these Bibles? Did they show it off at conventions or just shipped them to the KH?

  • jws

    I remember one being released at a convention. Other versions (ie large print, braille, other languages, etc.) may have been notifications later.

  • RubaDub

    The Smart Money in Las Vegas would have the new NWT released during the Annual Meeting (the first Saturday in October 2013).

    First, the new NWT was not released during the District Conventions the past two weeks. It is not typical for the Society to release a publication in the middle of the Convention season.

    Second, for the new arrangement of linking Assembly Halls to the Annual Meeting, you will have to get one of the invitations just to attend, so it will be considered a "special" event. A member of the GB will personally be on stage presenting the new Bible, something not possible if the release is done at the District Convensions.

    Third, it would be a good time for everyone to get their copy ahead of the "weak" ones that will have to wait several weeks or even months for their personal copies.

    You heard it here first ... New version of the New World Translation to be released at the Annual Meeting in 2013.

    Rub a Dub

  • straightshooter

    Rub a Dub, that is very interesting and sounds completely logical. The rumors helped to create anticipation for the DCs. Those poor witnesses who rushed to the DC for a Bible will be disappointed. But your logic sounds like the real deal. Thanks for you wise insight.

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