Funny picture in new public Watchtower. EVIDENTLY there was a digital camera taking pictures about 3,500 years ago. Noah had family worship night in the ark, so all you slackers have no excuse! Even the birds paid attention!
If Noah had family worship night in the ark...what's your excuse!?!?!?!?!?!
by LostGeneration 50 Replies latest watchtower bible
That is not nessarly night time, and I highly doubt it was. First if it was raining, that would make it dark, but most importantly there are no windows to let in any daylight.
thats not what is happening. the bird on the left has taken noahs last peanut. noah is saying,"come back here you flying rat. we wont be on dry land for like 3 more months." well it might have ended there except the bird on the right took a squirty dump right no noahs mouth. that children is where the jewish custom of murdering innocent doves started.
Awful lot of room on that Ark, considering the millions of different species that are supposed to be on it. And here I was, thinking the Watchtower prided itself on honest, accurate depictions of biblical accounts. This ruined my whole day....
With all that methane rising from the Shit that would have to be constantly shovelled out?
It would have blown sky high!
I didnt know they had baling machines in those days either....
But what kind of door to door preaching did Noah do on the ark?
He must have gotten seriously behind in his hours...
its a pretty graphic photo. whats with the chick in noahs lap whie noah gives us an "O" face. everyone else is watching while the dude at the bottom looks like he is getting violent with his wife. she is probably getting smacked up not providing enough light for violent perv boy to watch the money shot.
edit: i might go back to the meetings to see some of that action.
LoisLane looking for Superman
"No doubt"...Isn't that adding to the scriptures, that were written for our instruction? GoverningBody 2: 2-4. You will obey us and have a Monday night Family worship for it shall be written, so shall it be obeyed".
And they point fingers at the Mormons for making things up. lol
Ps. I agree with the open flame. Do they think we are all in kindergarten, that whatever they say, we believe? That is a very unbelievable picture but if you dare say anything you will be branded an apostate and df 'd.
All kinds of animals, needing special care, food and accomodation=Polar Bears eat seals, (or people) next to eucalyptus eating only Koala's, next to Panda's only eat bamboo, next to poisonous spiders and slithering pythons? All of this on one ship with high windows? How are they going to shovel the poop out and let fresh air in? This Bible story cannot be true. The stench in one day, would drive you crazy.
Just Lois