Mein Kampf is not a crap book. It sheds light on the Nazi phenomena. If I were a poli sci prof, I would assign portions of it with Plato's Republic and Machiavelli, The Prince. Knowing your enemy is essential. Hitler was no Fidel Castro or Ho Chi Minh playing both sides for a long while. He was abundantly clear concerning his personality, reasoning, and goals. Europe and America ignored Nazism at their peril.
Besides learning history, the book is instructive. What are our leaders and press ignoring now? Appeasement was doomed to failure. It had no chance of working. One of the biggest lessons learned is how Hitler consistently refers to German humiliation during WWI and its crushing peace terms. The Allieds offered their conquests an honorable peace. Crushing an entire nation breeds hatred.
The solution to not being disturbed by actors in the real world is to be a Witness. Only read what you agree with and your world will contract.
I heartily recommend reading a substantial portion ofi it.
The strange thing is that I was agreeing with Adoph for the first 100 pages. My interest was what personal experiences led to his antiSemitism. NPR had a Hitler historian on the air who said that Hitler voluntarily chose to live in a Jewish section of Vienna. His painting clients were mostly Jews. He sat and socialized with them in cafes and in their homes. I recall George Wallace and Strom Thurmond making a big show of opposing integration. One of the memorable scenes of my life was watching Wallace and Nick Katzenbach face down over the integration of the University of Alabama. Wallace proclaimed "segregation forever." Once the civil rights agenda was forced on them, many of these race haters appealed to local black voters. They were re-elected with a large black vote.
George Wallace ran for some public office earlier in his career. He ran as a moderate against a nasty segregationist. Wallace barely received any votes. He said it would never happen again. Was Hitler not so personally opposed to Jews? He offers no rationale. In fact, there is hardly antiSemitism for the first 100 pages. Perahps he was tapping into the antiSemitic that was explosive for countless centuries.