I will tell you one, I do remember one brother that was doing some street work, he was standing while he only showed the very back page of the magazines and his tactic did work more than you think and they asked him what the magazine was all about.
What tactics do the Witnesses get the worldly people curious?
by Iamallcool 13 Replies latest jw friends
Moses Unedited
Remember the talking point that involved asking householders if they ever wondered why certain turtles lived to be 150 years old while man only lived 70 to 80 years? That must have taken some sap in the writing department a few weeks and several pots of coffee to develop. Rather sophomoric, but at least it was enough to coax lonely old ladies to agree to a return visit.
Are you here to convert me ?
What do you want?
The bible promises you can live forever on a paradise earth!
I'll show you, right here... In......this magazine! Look at the pretty picture!
Its Tupperware, but with dreams, unlike Tupperware the literature doesn't make a fart noise when opened, but ironically is full of shit.
if bored/lonely/mentally ill/ a social burden that seeks to take advantage of others the listener may say...... 'Go on.....'
Remember the talking point that involved asking householders if they ever wondered why certain turtles lived to be 150 years old while man only lived 70 to 80 years?
New presentation for 2013: "Have you ever wondered why rocks live so much longer than humans or turtles?"
dcms; house holder should reply: and if you believe this you have rocks in your head, and they, but not your head will live forever.
Find the emotionally vulnerable.
Witnesses control the conversation when they address canned presentations in back of the KM
Then they question the householder about the topic
Questions by the Witness keep them in control of the conversation at all times
Witnesses cannot handle spontaneous questions from the householder
it will throw them off of their canned presentation
Pill be honest, I didn't realise but the JW's inadvertently teach each other significant manipulation skills. In terms of dominating a topic, a conversation, a persons beliefs. With enough ministry and theocratic ministry school, you are taught to deep down accept that the greater good of passing on the message overrides any little white lies ...."no we don't convert people or hope to, just encourage them to read their bible.".... That belief in the greater good overrides any guilt when tearing down someone else's beliefs, if someone says they are Muslim a JW will throw out a "thats great its nice t find... Blerghh." If its a catholic, within minutes they are pretending to be an authority on the trinity. If its a scientist or educated householder, they believe themselves to be an authority on science and act like one. The prevailing attitude and conduct is all quite anti social and manipulative.
Last year i was watching youtube, someone posted videos of a JW bible study they had over a few months. He was a real nice guy, but inteeligent and informed. It made me so ashamed and yet so angry. The JW's would make things up on the spot if they didnt have an answer, even things about science, evolution or medicine. I remember one time a female invented this nonsense about how blood was dangerous and that we don't need it in medicine, and that it was a scato make money because its not cheap. She said it was well known that it was a conspiracy and fraud and that doctors were now thanking and joining the JW stance. This went beyond unprofessional, immoral and wrong, this is revolting.
If the made up information appeased the questioner, that was the win, it was irrelevant whether it was a true answer or not. It was all just about moving on to the next paragraph.... If the questioner caught them at it, they would ask the JW and let them know they were not convinced. not once in my life and never once in all the questions asked in these videos did a JW return and bring, or ever arrive with primary evidence. For example that woman and the blood nonsense, if that was true and somebody asked you would take the evidence. But of course it doesn't exist. Some householders are too smart to be fobbed off, especially with Google., so they may say no as this guy did a few times, no that doesn't make sense... Etc. when doubted or not believed the JW's just became very condesending and slightly aggressive and played out a 'well if you want to believe you are a monkey' or a 'but we have already established that the whole bible is true' or a 'but who are you to define right a wrong'.... Rather than deal with the question, resorting back to a vague statement that cant be aargued because it doesn't mean anything.
This manipulation is a big issue, I see it in all my JW friends and family. They won't think twice about heaping on a mountain of emotional and ill informed statements to a a householder just to quash any kind of alternative opinion. I spoke to a JW about abortion the other day, they just kept saying how evil it is to murder babies .... No discussion, no data, no information, no ethics, no nothing... Just vague statements that cant be argues because they are so pathetically lacking substance.
This method I have rambled on about, when combined and refined can really ensnare a householder. I got a kick out of leaving a door having convinced the householder to,drop at least one belief. I am ashamed of that now. It is plain wrong. I never used erroneous facts, but I used logic that required gymnastic ability to negotiate and defeat, not really with any appreciation of what I was doing.
This quality is deeply entrenched in many J.w's look out for it ;) x then when you spot it, compare it to how people talk to each other and interact in NORMAL life. Big difference.
I agree with Vidiot about emotional vulnerabilities, and would add sexual attraction, information control, deceit, and love bombing in that order.
I was first attracted to a sister, who seemed very attracted to me and we shared many interests. Before meeting my former friend, I would always politely say no thank you to Mormons and JWs who knocked on my door because I thought those people were members of kooky religions. I know better now that both are dangerous cults.
I was willing to study with an elder at the insistance of my former friend. I was turned off studying with the elder, because he seemed to cherry-pick the Scriptures and wanted to read from the "What Does the Bible Really Teach" pamphlet more than the Bible to attempt to prove his points and tried to deceive me that JWs do not shun family and close friends and that he perferred to associate with JWs instead of non-JWs. He seemed to be a nice guy and it seemed odd that my former friend did not want to socialize with him and his wife. Now I know why.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
return of parakeet
What gets worldly people curious about dubs ...
1. They all dress like they're in a 50's sitcom ... with briefcases.
2. They all exude an oily and suspicious friendliness.
3. They knock on your door Saturday mornings when all sane people are sleeping in.
4. They say the end of the world is "right around the corner," and they mean it.
5. Their children look shell-shocked.
6. Their churches look like small factories with no windows.