Was just talking to my mom on my phone about the convention in Green Bay, Wisconsin. She said the brothers were talking about wanting satan dead for good! (I was like, oh, well, yeah, I agree, in my mind I was dying laughing!). Why did I picture a bunch of JW's in suits and ties and flower dresses and large 'chruch' hats and high heels at a convention or assembly hall chasing a red devil around, saying: We want him dead! We want him dead! OMG I'm so happy to be out of this cult!
We want satan DEEEEEEEEAD!!!!!!!!!!!
by Joliette 31 Replies latest jw friends
So weird.......
i assume they feel this way because of the burdens of life, chronic illness, evil diseases like cancer, recent natural disasters that have destroyed lives and families....
ERM HELLO!...... Not one was created or designed by Satan.....all were designed, introduced and let out onto the world by Yaweh as a punishment. Have they even read their beliefs? Have they read their bibles? All the stuff that bugs them in life was made by god!
ahhhhh.....what about bad people? satan! Erm no....according to J.w beliefs god having invented the concept of sin, made it inheritible (like a loaf of bread and its tin bla bla bla bullshit) and gave everyone the innate desire to do what was wrong in our hearts.
OH YEAH .......ERM.......URGH............well...... Erm..... satan rules the world! Does he? Yes, because he offered it to jesus and so how could he if he didnt? Erm because he is a liar?....... erm errrr erm...... Even if he did, its the big 'Y' man letting him! Why would he hand us all over?
AHHH..... to prove that Adam was wrong and to prove to all the angels that we can't rule ourselves, hence jesus had to balance Adam in the scales of sacrifice and ransom. oh really.... YESHHHH, sooooo..... Adam was perfect in a paradise garden...... Yes..... And had free will to follow god or do as he wished, symbolic in eating the fruit......yes..... Eating the fruit was Adam saying 'I think we can decide good and bad for ourselves and it is not right for you to demand we worship you mr god dude'.....basically yes.... And god was being fair by letting him and eve choose and not be robots?.....yes....
ok.... So what does it prove, to let them choose to decide their own way in life, but the moment they do, introduce : imperfection, sin, desire to do wrong, life struggle, death, disease, war, struggle..... And then say 'lets see how you get on .'.........hmmm.... Was that fair of god? Does this playing out of death and illness and disease and war for thousands of years really prove anything to the angels, the devil, the demons or humans? Yaweh made sure humans failed according to this story, its not true to say that this is all to sanctify his name and prove his authority and sovereignty to rule mankind. THIS DOES NOT PROVE THAT MAN CANT DIRECT HIS OWN STEP....WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF HE LET ADAM AND EVE STAY IN PARADISE, STAY PERFECT AND THEN DECIDE RIGHT AND WRONG FOR THEMSELVES, AS WOULD HAVE BEEN FAIR ???? Jesus did not balance out Adam at all, Adam was purposefully broke by god and made to fail by design. The story does not work, the story does to add up and going back to my point 11 lines us.... IF YOU INFACT BELIEVE satan rules the world and therefore somehow contributes evil and wrongdoing then you plainly don't understand the basics of the genesis account and the origins of all those things. Secondly this reality of gods unfair test makes Satans time in charge a bias test, because even without satan we would all sin because the second they ate the fruit we were all made to sin by inheritance. Its a nonsense!
finally, those horrid diseases... Do they think the amazing biological processes of cancer and its intricate genetic makeup was CREATED and DESIGNED by satan or god?mcan satan all of the sudden create and design? Can Satann intefere with out genes and our biology? The bible doesn't say he can and besides been as our behaviour and life is dictated largely by our genes and biology, this would affect our behaviour and negate god being able to judge us. Its a nonsense...we know what causes cancer and it isn't satan, despite what we know today, according to the bible the answer is .. God and Jesus. they sat and planned out cancer as one of the many punishments for adams sin. Tornado's.... God, burdens of life.... Punishment from god... He actually said he would make the earth hard, the thorns thick, the labor painful..... It is ALL FROM YAWEH.
Satans crime? To suggest god is a bit nuts and you may want to think for yourself.....
be careful what you wish for Je-hoo-ha Witlesses, and try thinking harder too! THIS IS YOUR BELIEFS and yet you understand it so poorly, even the basics.
snare xxx
ps. I can't go without saying we now considerably understand the evolution of disease, specifically cancer, we understand the weather to a great extent though it is indeed still unpredictable to us at our current understanding and technology. But all these things are neither from the mythological Jewish deity Yaweh or his nemesis, older by some time that Jewish religion or mythology, the bad guy, sometimes called Satan, Devil, Serpant, Dragon, Beast, Lion, Jealous Angel, Be-elzebub, Traffic Warden etc etc, he has so many names as he has so many origins in so many cultures. Makes it easy to research however. But yes.... None of your blame need be at either the good or the bad guy, they are both as real as '.......'
breakfast of champions
Once they kill Satan off, who's left to blame all the bad stuff on?
Mom said there was a recording of the talk; I actually wanted to listen to it but she said it was for Jehovahs Witnesses only, guess I'm not part of the club anymore lol.
@ Breakfastofchampions: Excatly!!!!! I'm like what are they gonna hate once satan is gone!
@ Snareandaracket: Yeah I mean who created this satan? Satan didnt create himself (talking from a biblical standpoint. I dont actually beliece there is a satan).
I don,t know why, but this remind of the South park
episode, "terrorist stole our imagination".
But Joliette what one bad thing is satan responsible for? Forget who made him, or who made the concept of evil or sin etc... Just from going off the bible and JW doctrine, what does satan do?
bad people?....inherited sin, a great idea, design and creation of god.
illness?......punishment from god
Natural disasters?........ Gods planet in action, unless people believe Satan controls the weather
Hard life?....... A direct punishment from god to Adam and his offspring
Intersting isn't it. Of course, to Bronze Age shepherds, the story made sense. Humans are born from humans (to limited observation) so there must be an original human pair, males were dominant in the Jewsih society so naturally the man was first and the woman from the man. Why do we die and get ill? Is it a bacterial infection causing a reaction in our body that though feels unpleasant has biological purpose, e.g. A fever is the body trying to denature the bacterial/viral proteins and kill it, sneezing and coughing is the body trying to expel the bacteria/virus. etc Etc..... No no this is all a punishment by the super human with a beard etc, again male, who lives in the sky. Ok... So why were we punished? Erm...... By wanting to not serve the master as a slave but by wanting to be free, the human couple angered this superhuman in the sky. Symbolised by the eating of a forbidden fruit tempted to them by a serpant.... WAIT A MINUTE.... now you are just stealing from Egyptian and Sumerian mythology... SSSShhhh and write this down.... So then the superhuman in the sky punished the first huMAN couple and all their offspring, and that's why we get ill and die.
and then in 1590, some 4000 years later, we invented the microscope..... Ooooohhhh bacteria and Viruses exist (19th century)...... ooooh we are a mammal and our human menstrual process (i.e. maximum number of viable children) and heart size dictates our maximum age (late 19th Century))..... oh wow wait, we have found that DNA exists (1953) in our cells and dictates considered our health and life length.....oh wow again, our genes are protected at their ends by telomeres and telomere length dictates our lifespan biologically (1970's)
Our progress in explaining illness and death, some of us have come on a little bit in the last 4000 years...............
I never blamed Satan for my bullshit like other witnesses did.
My wife and I were discussing this recently... even when we were 'in the truth' it was sickening.
'I don't have a job because of Satan' ... err.. you haven't looked at all for a long time, either.
'I can't afford to fix my car.. this is Satan's fault' ... err... there was fresh snow on the ground, don't corner so fast.
... it goes on and on. I wasn't that good at taking personal responsibility either.... just not that bad!
I can think of a great SNL skit for this.
Satan is put into prison for one thousand years before he is destroyed. I too want satan dead, afterall he is the reason for all badness. He will not be allowed to mislead the nations anymore.