Powerfully heart-wrenching experience by FORMER BETHLITE

by Black Man 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Listener

    It's not your normal ex-jw story in that it is really frank. There is a lot of discussion about sex and this appears to be what ultimately woke Maurica (the former bethelite) up. It also discusses JW sexual repression from a female's point of view.

    Maurica's story has been re-written (or reported) by Richard Kelly so it is unkown as to how 'dressed up' this story has been made but it actually reads more like a colorful novel than real life and makes for an enjoyable read. I say enjoyable because Maurica is not longer naive (like most JWs) and I don't doubt she is in a much better place.

    It is a real good lesson in how the sexual repression encouraged by the JWs screws people's lives up.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Looking forward to reading more. Thanks for the thread Black Man.

  • GromitSK

    Link doesn't seem to be working for me. Even when I cut and paste.

  • irondork
  • Heartofaboy



    Awesome experience. Please post the rest as soon as you can. When I was at Brooklyn Bethel I remember the adulteries, and thefts taking place. I too ignored it like Mariuca did. There are so many miserable married couples there.

  • Scott77

    Awesome experience. Please post the rest as soon as you can. When I was at Brooklyn Bethel I remember the adulteries, and thefts taking place. I too ignored it like Mariuca did. There are so many miserable married couples there.

    Why do not you also share with us your own story at Bethel?


  • Black Man
    Black Man

    Bumping back to the top! This story MUST be told.

  • GromitSK

    Thanks Irondork

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

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