BU- I think you've drunk the Geezus koolaid with that one.
Using the word Father far more intimate than saying Jehovah?
by BU2B 12 Replies latest jw friends
Since the borg are so concerned with using a personal name for GOD not only personally but publicly why there is no effort in pronouncing it as it was originally? It's like the name "Jesus". His name was actually Yeshua ben Yoseph. A closer pronunciation of the tetragramaton would be Yahava. I rarely if ever use or used the name Jehovah even when I was in the borg. This wasn't out of any disrespect for GOD but embarrassment due to its association with the borg. I used GOD, Father or Creator (Papa during personal prayer) and was actually counciled about it. I suppose that the WT leadership feels that we really aren't children of GOD and have no right to have intimate conversations with Him/Her...
I know my father's name, but I still call him DAD and I'm middle aged!