Has this happened to anyone else? You invite the CO for dinner (or some other thing) and they say they cannot. I can understand why, I suppose, since depending on how popular they are, maybe they have to turn down some invites to have personal time, but still wondering how common that is.
Inviting CO over and they refuse
by A question 10 Replies latest jw friends
It's fairly common, in my experience. They do lunches because the Society says they have to, but most only do dinners on occasion. They have to go to wherever they're staying to prepare for meetings, his parts, do laundry, dishes, cleaning (if they have their own place), etc. Most rarely go to gatherings either. I wouldn't take it personally.
Lol.... In normal life a dinner invite refusal is the height of rudeness, only the queen, the prime minister and Watchtower appointed Overseers may say no without assumed offence....
I'm sure they crave some alone time, where they don't have to always be "on". They most likely rarely get that.
They often get dozens of invitations for the same day/time and cannot possibly take them all. So they take the ones they like or think would be the best, as anyone else would lol.
As was mentioned, DO NOT take it personally. They are on-stage in one way or another 6 days a week. Looking happy, smiling, shaking hands, etc. At some point, just some ordering some take-out and a TV show can be worth a lot more to them than you may realize.
Rub a Dub
A CO's life does not have much privacy - he's always "on call" for elders's problems, publishers' problems, pioneers' problems, etc. aside from the 6 days a week grind of visiting a congregation.
If I were ever a CO (perish the thought!) I'd probably turn down 90% or more of whatever invitations I got.
You WILL eat the beans we have made for you!
I'm sure they crave some alone time, where they don't have to always be "on". They most likely rarely get that.
They save their private outings to be with other prominent JW clergy where they can indeed let-their-hair-down a bit. With the R&F they have to be "ON" about evrerything single thing they do or say. It's behind the scenes that you really get to know them.
Don't invite them.
Problem solved.