Sorry, stopped reading your drivel after you said people don't have a right to be offended.
You're offended all the time by the WTBTS. I guess YOU don't have a right to be offended either. Nice.
by Iamallcool 63 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry, stopped reading your drivel after you said people don't have a right to be offended.
You're offended all the time by the WTBTS. I guess YOU don't have a right to be offended either. Nice.
I look at it and see genitalia.
But then I see genitalia no matter where I look, so maybe I'm the wrong guy to ask.
People are stupid sometimes....although I see the genitalia too.
If you thought about it for two seconds you would agree...
I CAN BE OFFENDED by anything.....of course EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE OFFENDED.....but........ nobody has a right to *NOT* BE OFFENDED.
If you bothered to read on you will see I say, I find it ODD that someone would get offended by an object that by chance, at a certain angle, looks a LITTLE like somone who did offensive things 80 years ago, but thats up to you, however I think its WRONG to censor it. The law agrees. BUT...You can disagree, you can be offended.
Next time you do something you feel is innocent and harmless and someone else is offended by it and they MAKE you stop, think of me. Whether it be a Muslim being offended at you drinking and taking the drink out of your hand, whether it be a cinema attendant denying you entrance to a movie because there is a scene that offends them.... Etc etc etc etc...
The world just would not work if we tolerated that idea. Defending the right to NOT BE OFFENDED leads to subjective censorship, this always ends badly and undemocratically, like something silly like.... Oh I don't know.... taking down a picture of a kettle.
Aren't you just a teapot calling the WT kettle black? I ain't whistling I?
Personally I think the man is talked about (and compared to) way too much nowadays. That's exactly what he would have wanted, given the outcome of the war. It's only a tea kettle! It could look like any man with parted hair and a moustache. Hitler didn't want to be forgotten as was evidenced in his will, and here we are many years later, obliging him. He has plenty of company in the genocide department, but Pol Pot, Mao, Karadzic, and some unfamiliar Rwandan names and faces don't quite do the trick as the awkward looking man with a Charlie Chaplin moustache does.
Advertising department made the right decision to take it down. You don't want any bad publicity no matter how silly it seems. Although they did sell out this tea pot online after this came to light.
I think they have worse things to worry about.
Hitler in a Tea Kettle, Jesus in a Tortilla ... what is the world coming to?
It must be proof of an afterlife!