Okay, this is pretty weird. Is it really supernatural? Or is it just my imagination?
My wife had hung a white nylon garment from the door. While watching television one day I glanced over at it and saw the image below. I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me at first, but I kept looking at it. Finally, I decided to photograph it. So I got out my tripod and shot a few pictures.
To me, it appears to be the profile of a woman wearing a feather hat. Her curls extend below the front of the hat and she's wearing ear rings. Do you see it or am I going nuts? (That's a rhetorical question.) I'm sure it's just a weird fluke.
The picture (right) has been enhanced through contrast. The woman's profile shows
her hair, nose, lips, ears, hat, feather, chin and eyes, even eye lids. In the untouched
photo, that's not grain or noise; you can actually see the threads in the garment.