It was so nerve racking! It wasn't anything big, but its ALL SHE EVER TALKS ABOUT in front of ALL my family!!! I mean, she talks about it almost every single frigging day. I didn't know it would be this big of a deal...
My mom tried to tell her we don't celebrate birthdays and my daughter just completely ignores her and goes on and on and on all about how great they are! Every single toy she sees is a "birthday present". We had a cake for my brothers anniversary and she announced that it was a birthday cake and tried to blow out the candles that weren't there. I said to my mom not to make a big deal of it because she will just feed into her excitement about it and she completely backed down.
But, this gig is up for me pretty soon. I'm not going to not celebrate it and I won't allow anyone to teach her its wrong. I'm done. Literally looking for a new home...