..According to the WT, Adam and Eve were created to live forever on earth right from the start. Two things I just thought of.. 1) One of the reasons that they were banished from the garden was so that they couldn't eat from 'the tree of life' , which would allow them to live forever.. So doesn't that mean that they were created with bodies that were going to deteriorate and die? Or would the magic fruit make them invulnerable even to Gods power to destroy them? And why had they not eaten from the 'tree of life' when it wasn't the one tree that been forbidden for them to eat from (tree of knowledge of good and bad was forbidden supposedly)? 2) If Adam+Eve hadn't sinned, they and their children would have supposedly lived forever on earth.. So there would have been nobody dying and going to heaven and no 144,000 ruling with Jesus according to the WT. Jehovah would have ruled, Jesus would never have been promoted to king and given a 'name above every other name' (only after he proved himself by being sacrificed on earth), and no humans would have experienced heavenly life.. Besides all this, why would God have 144000 humans in heaven to rule over perfect man in paradise, when Adam+Eve and their offspring would never have had/needed such human oversight? *scratches head thoughtfully*
Just had a thought when reading Data Dogs topic..
by The Quiet One 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
I had the same thought in the past.
If things are eventually back to the way Jehovah wanted it either it was lacking a 144,000 government back then in the garden of Eden or it has one that it does not need in the future.
And... did they have belly buttons? Inquiring minds want to know.
The story admits that is was PERFECTLY alright that we are mortal like the animals.
no animal wants to die, so smart or dum as we humans are, we invented "religion" that denies death. one way or another.
must have been a special tree. imagine Giraffes getting to the high fruit first.
immortal lions, pirhanas!!-- lucky for us they were/are vegetarians eternally.
lucky too, that the universe is expanding with all that eternal libido of oll the nephesches going at it.
My understanding as jw, what I was taught, was that death is akin to sleep.
But that the dead ''...are conscious of nothing...''. At rest, in sleep, in death.
Julia Orwell
Been dead and yes, it's like going to sleep, albeit in a really traumatic way. But if you don't come back, well you're gone and that traumatic process is not remembered...if you're resurrected to heaven like the bible says, maybe it's not like a sleep. No one's ever come back from heaven that I know of.
O.Julia I too have been a goner perhaps a total of a day in my life time, widow maker heart attack , heavy concussion from a fall, operations.
The only forgotten traumatic experience was the hard surface fall. I do not know, so I can not remember what happened. although I can examine what lead to the fall.
so I must believe our self is highly dependent on our material state of the brain.
to me our arrival is more of a mystery miracle than our passing on.
since there are no snakes with language skills, the rest is irrelevant, although it is taken so seriously. even doing crossword puzzles is supposed to help your mental accuity.
If you do a bit of research on 'shock' and what happens.
i think you will find it very interesting.
Julia Orwell
Yes I researched the 'light' I saw and came to the conclusion it was most likely the last little bit of Oxygen or the electric impulses generated by the brain blinking out. Just as well they stuck needles in my heart and defibbed it to get it going just in time. I wasn unconscious for that stuff though, but the leadup to the unconscious was horrid and I still have PTSD.
Anyway, on the topic of the talking snake, I always wondered why Eve's recorded words when the snake spoke to her were "God said..." rather than, "Holy Cr@p! A talking snake!" That bugged me for years as a JW that we had to take that story literally.
Julia O
My understanding was that they knew who he was (satan) but when he used the snake, it is also a term for mysticism, like hypnotism.
think the Disney Jungle Book movie and the snake ....... the eyes and the little chant - trust in me.....