I went to the DC!!!!

by DATA-DOG 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    So in the drama, how many JW virgins have to go sleep with the king in order to lift the ban?

  • Heaven

    wasblind: There isn't one person in the history of all mankind that has never not died.


    Hmmm....Sort of like :Nobody doesn't like Sarah Lee?

    should be 'ever' not 'never'... doh!

    As for Sara Lee, meh. I can live without.

  • BU2B

    And they should be Banned. Dont want the R+F to be persecuted though, as this only reinforces in their minds that they are correct. Just want the GB and higher ups dissapeared and printouts of JWfacts being distributed as Watchtowers and be studied on Sundays so they can be deprogramed.

  • Ding
    The CO said that the term, " the truth " means " truthful understanding of the scriptures." He also said that the truth does not change.

    Is this guy a closet apostate, or is he totally clueless?

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Yeah, they cover their tracks and tell you don't google "Jehovah's Witness"...

    Really? How do they tell you not to do things like this? Is it just council or what?

    There isn't one person in the history of all mankind that has ever not died.

    Well, I've never died...not yet. And biblically, there are some who are reputed to have not died:

    1. Enoch: Taken into heaven prior to the great flood.

    2. Moses: Joshua said Moses died, but no one saw the body. Later, Satan was said to have entered
    into a contest with Michael over the "body" of Moses. Was the contest over Moses' translation?

    3. Elijah: Taken into a fiery chariot, he is reputed to be taken into heaven. Prophecy states that he will
    return before the great and dreadfjul day of the Lord.

    4. John: The apostles got into a snit because the word was getting around that John had been promised
    life until Jesus' Second Coming. But Jesus reminded them that he never said John wouldn't die,
    only that if he willed John to "tarry" on Earth to that time, what was that to them?

  • prologos

    yadda yadda2 we are all glad the 10s of thousands of invitation had results in your DC., congo territory.

    all the sleeping invitees have no badges!

    If you sleep at your first meeting, imagine what the torture, boredom will be like for them in x years of steadfastness.

  • prologos
  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Badges? Badges?? They don't need no stinking badges!

  • wallsofjericho
    .." In a landmark ruling, the JW's have been banned.."


    its amazing how the WTS likes to make themselves seem soooooo imporant. If the JW's were banned it would barely make a newspaper footnote let alone a blaring prime time news item.

    JW's think everyone knows who and what they are. Reality is so different from thier controlled minds

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