WTS is ADVERTISING in local newspapers

by still thinking 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I just opened our local paper to discover a half page add on the front page for Jehovahs witnesses... more to be read on page 4 and 5 where there are two half page articles. That must have cost them.

    They are obviously trying to soothe the public into thinking that JWs are harmless...let them into your homes.

    Front page says:

    Coming soon to a door near you

    They're polite, well dressed and unarmed. So what's so scary about Jehovah's Witnesses?


    I hope you can see the article posted above. If you can't just google Western leader online.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Still Thinking...Thank you for posting. I don't know If I would have believed it, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. I think I am shocked. They have never done that before. They usually submit a small press release.

    I am a little concerned with this heading that draws attention to the fact that they are "unarmed". Can anyone pack a pistol in N.Z. Your crime is low, isn't it? Is there any slant telling the Badguys...come after the JW's. They have purses and wallets but no guns or knives? Hey, I don't want to be paranoid but I was raised in a cult. lol

    Just Lois

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I know what you mean LoisLane....I couldn't believe my eyes when I picked up the paper.

    And people don't generally carry guns in NZ...this has obviously been written by someone outside NZ. That is not an issue here. It wouldn't cross my mind that someone knocking on my door might be armed.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I wonder if we'll see this same advertisement show up elsewhere....with different names and photos.

  • 5go

    Aucklands housing crisis would be solved with JWs on the case.

    They need to be warned about how bad those things are. They pretty much had to tear down one not to far from wear I lived it was slowly falling down the hillside they were advised not build on unless they did a lot of reinforcement work first. Then add on to that the one that need a remodel shortly after it was finished due cracking in the walls and other things that popped up because of shoddy work.

    Then our hall had huge cost over runs becuase someone didn't bother to find what was the proper strength for it's foundation.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Is anyone able to copy the article here...I've been told by some that they are unable to view the link.

  • sizemik

    Actually that article's a freak show on steroids. I don't know who the writer Clara Pratt is, but if you look closely she's done a bit of a hatchet job.

    I mean the advertisement looks like Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith for a start.

    Then the premise is that JW's are "scary" but it's only a myth . . . seriously? Aren't they just a pain in the arse?

    And the two brothers . . . Brother "Come into the back room with me" ... and brother Roly Chester, child molester. Those dudes are damn creepy looking.

    What about this gem in the first column ...

    "In 1940 the faith was declared illegal in New Zealand, with the attorney general saying it's members devoted themselves to "vilification of religion, of their fellow citizens, of the state, and of the Government."

    99.9 % of the population probably had no idea . . . but nice of her to remind us all. LMAO!

    This is a real flatterer . . .

    "Their belief system based on the bible's principles differs markedly to the perceived norms of todays society." (Ya...it's a freak show).

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Didn't the Mormons pull a pa stunt like that recently to try boost their image?

  • InquiryMan

    Could anyone please provide a screen shot of the ad an article. Cannot get access or see anything on the link provided.

  • Listener

    This isn't a paid advertisement, just a news story.


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