by EdenOne 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • RayPublisher

    Good move Eden- it's not shocking at all to many of us.

    You are a sharp, thinking Christian and we need lots more of you-- where do I go to find them??

  • *lost*


  • EdenOne

    You see, God's name *is* important, but not all-important. What is important is his reputation - and yes, the name can also imply reputation - but also his sovereignity, his dignity, his rule and his fatherhood. And all of these - including reputation - are better expressed by the term "God".

    After studying how the modern form of "Jehovah" came to be; How we, JW's have adopted it, and WHY, this change became mandatory. You will read it differently on the "Publishers" book, no doubt. But, as Winston Churchill said: "HISTORY IS WRITTEN BY THE WINNERS". Rutherford won his battle for control over the Bible Students and he shaped the Jehovah's Witnesses to his iron will, under his iron fist. The name "Jehovah" was but a marketing tool for him in the broader strategy to DIFFERENTIATE his religious group from others and give him exposure in the public eye, and propel the printing of more and more publications distributed by enthusiastic, unpaid volunteering publishers and pioneers. The Watchtower Society grew to become the publishing giant he envisioned.

    It was then easy to reason: Since we're JEHOVAH's WITNESSES, and Jehovah said he would have a people for his name, that means that we are the "chosen ones". "We are the SOLE CHANNEL of God's communication with mankind. Whatever we do or say is sanctioned by God. We have a most relevant role in prophecy. Whatever twist and turn, whatever failure, or whacky doctrine, we have God on our side, because "we carry his name" and we are accountable before no one else but Jehovah. If we're right, Jehovah is blessing us. If we're wrong, Jehovah is refining us. If we grow, it's Jehovah blessing his people. If we decrease, it's Jehovah Day right around the corner". In Rutherford / Franz theology, Jehovah's chosen people can never lose. And the leadership cannot be questioned because they speak in Jehovah's name. And right there is the SUPERSTITION, the MYTH surrounding the use of God's name.

    As much respect the holy name of God deserves, it doesn't deserve to be treated like a commercial brand or trademark.


  • steve2

    My earthly JW father,a screw loose at the best of times, almost slapped me silly when I addressed him by his name when I was a pre-teen. He considered it rude and impudent. Strange, I thought, yet you call the so-called"one True God" by his name and not just as Father. Of course, I did not verbalize this thought to my earthly father because I rather liked the idea of surviving Armageddon into Paradise earth and not being slapped to death by this fervent man intent on calling God, Jehovah. It was all down-hill from there.

  • bigmac

    it always amused me hearing the words--"jehovah god"---as if "god" was his surname ! if he is the one true god---why use a name anyway?

  • GromitSK

    If he's the only god why does he have a name at all?

  • steve2

    What's Jehovah done wrong that he needs witnesses?

  • GromitSK

    Given his record, you'd think the last thing he needed was witnesses.

  • Jeffro

    T D Joseph:

    Also many people believe that the word GOD is the shortened form of GOOD. Whether this is true or not, it is a supplementary proof. Even if it is not true, that is how a word gets meaning

    The etymology of the two English words is entirely unrelated despite the superficial similarity.


    Good for youe EdenOne!

    I love your article about the sign [ of the last days ]. I like how you think, and dropping the name Jehovah is great. To be honest when I went to your site the name " Jehovah " was a turn off. LOL!! Guess I am a real apostate now!! Yay!!!

    At the DC, the CO gave a formula for " the truth." Jw's always say " the truth ." The 2 most uttered phrases this weekend have been " Jehovah" and " the truth." Anyway THE TRUTH= Truthful understanding of GOd's word. So when JW's now say " the truth " that is the definition of that phrase, one that I plan to use as a reasoning point.

    According to the CO, GOD's is where you get " the truth." Jesus always spoke " the truth." Jesus said to adress GOD as " Father." I don't think they realized their screw-up. A few minutes later they were slamming the Koran and other ancient texts for not sanctifying the name " Jehovah " which of course does not exist, Yahweh is more correct.



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