WT and AW Issues You Just Couldn't Place

by AvailableLight 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • AvailableLight

    Having just read the Donut Shop thread, I was reminded of the typical way my fellow publishers and I would deal with hard- or impossible-to-place issues of the Watchtower and Awake! magazines.

    One in particular that comes to mind is the issue of the WT, released around the late 80s or early 90s, that depicted a close-up facial shot of an old man with tremendously bushy eyebrows. My friends and I affectionately dubbed him "pubic brow." I think the cover article was something like "The Great Issue Faces You" or at least along those lines.

    Another one that comes to mind was the issue of the Awake! on boredom featuring a pink background with an enormous head shot of a nerd lethargically resting his head on his fist. You could clearly see every pore on that guy's face.

    We used to come up with pet names for different issues of the magazines. Once in a while when we'd be searching for an appropriate back issue we'd recruit each other's help. The exchange went something like:

    Pub1: "What back issues ya got?"
    Pub2: "I got 'Pubic Brow', 'Nerd Boy', 'Date Rape', and 'Paint Chips'".
    Pub1: "Throw me a 'Date Rape'".

    Which magazines were especially difficult for you to unload?

  • Dogpatch

    The worst one was an Awake! in the late 70's that was something like, "Do Negroes Smell More Thsn White People? (I'm paraphrasing). I was assigned to an all-black congregation (Linwood) in East New York, where there were NO white people at all. Going door-to-door with that would have been a riot. (literally) :-))
    Randy Watters

    Net Soup!

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    You know, I can't say I ever had that much affection for them so I never did pay much attention to the cover. I do find the fake ones on the net much more fascinating. Have you seen those?



  • Fredhall

    Hey Randy,

    Have you been in Compton lately?

  • LDH

    At least you knew what the mags were about!

    Once I was out in service with this other young girl (we were both about 16)--she obviously hadn't done any preparation.

    Lady answers, Brenda proceeds to pull the latest issues out of her bag, upside down to her but facing the lady. She then shoves the mags into the lady's hands, and as a reflex the lady takes them. (Credit CO Ray Gwiazdowski with this 'trick.' [8>]

    Anyhow, she's reading the title upside down, she tells the lady, "The subject of this Awake is "Hope for the Mentally Three."


    The title was "Hope for the Mentally Ill" but she read the word "Ill" as Roman Numerals III.

    I DARE you not to laugh.

    KKK Klass

  • LDH

    Randy that was hysterical!

    Hey Fred:



  • Fredhall



  • Dogpatch

    One of my roommates works for the DA in Compton, Freddy boy. Quite a few interesting stories he gives as an attorney.

  • BluesBrother

    Did you ever find that the lurid covers gave people the opposite impression of what they were really about?

    An Awake with a big "Mushroom cloud" picture of an A bomb, people thought I was from C N D (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the U K )
    Also a banner headline "Homosexual Priests "got me thrown out of shops etc , I later figured they thought we were advocating it.

  • Fredhall


    I really don't care what he have to say. However, if you have the guts, then step into Compton.

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