I think a troubleshooter has been assigned to our congregation

by hoser 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • Watchtower-Free

    Keep questioning them about why they are there .

    Eventually they will have to come up with something .

  • hoser

    Are you an apostate?

    I keep my head down and my nose clean.

    There are two who are vocal in their critique in our hall

  • gma-tired2

    Be careful, troubleshooters are known to listen to private conversation at the KH. We had a CO troubleshooter sent to our circuit in the 60s. He was observed standing and listening to different groups conversations.

  • hoser
  • hoser

    thanks to this site I know there is a time to speak and a time to be quiet

    thanks JWN


    Are the trouble makers ones who partake? Believing that you should partake is the first step to being an apostate.

  • hoser

    We have two partakers in our hall. Both nut jobs! But I don't think they are postate. It is one sister who was very vocal about the UN thing and a brother who talks about 1975 all the time to everyone.

    We have a few new studies coming to the hall and maybe they want to silence these two talkers so as t0 not turn away the new ones

    Hoser keeps his mouth shut

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'd ask the elders which of them this dude is here to remove.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    They send troubleshooters when the total hours reported drop or when contributions start to fall off. Looks like the brothers with consistent meeting attendance in your congo aren't picking up the slack left by the "weak" dubs... your congo COBE must be shitting his pants by now...

  • hoser

    We've had a few strange happenings. Several families have packed up in the middle of the night and left. Moved to other locations with no notice. Just left.

    I am not in the circle of gossip to know what's going on but there is something big I think.

    One dude got reinstated and never showed up to another meeting

    I can see the desparation on our neo-nazi service overseers face lol

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