ugh how horrid. All that effort to impress some idiot and his wife
Ugh... Have to learn to keep my mouth shut
by dissonance_resolved 18 Replies latest jw friends
So this guy is an identified "pedophile"?
paedophile and his wife.
So this guy is an identified "pedophile"?
Bonndie, I think PUNK just gets carried away and refers to all the GB as pedophiles.
Perhaps he has personally been harmed by someone.
DOC - Thanks. You are correct on all fronts my friend.
We had the CO and Wife over for lunch. They were delightful. His last name was Adams. He was Jewish by birth, and his wife was an outspoken woman for a JW wife. After they left our circuit, we heard that he had a heart attack from the stress of being a CO. The doctors allegedly told him his 'job' was killing him, after they learned what it was he did. I don't know what happened to that couple, I hope they are happy wherever they are.
wha happened?
The GB and DO's CO's prefer to associate with the wealthy. It is no secret that they want to be showered with gifts and fine things.
That's for sure. We had one CO that insisted on the most expensive retaurants. Quickly shook out those ona budget except for a select few
We had a GB member come and do the dedication at alocal kingdom hall. I prepared a small letter with some questions and thoughts written in a manner that I am hoping would make him read the entire thing, and not get me labeled an apostate. It took some doing.
An emergency took me out of town, and I asked my wife to give it to him, or to have one of my friends do it. She chickened out. I still wish I would have done that. The likelyhood of a GB member going after someone or causing an issue is small because it would make them appear petty. Plus at a KH dedication they might just think it was money or a letter of appreciateion. By the time they got back somewhere and read it, they wouldn't even know who I was.
I think people should do this more. If any of them come back to my area, I will definitly do this. I think the GB is insulated by their handlers for the most part, and it would be good for them to see the conscious class reaching out to them.
My family hosted the CO and wife for their week-long visit several times. I'm sure my mother was freaking out every second of every day.
This was in the '70s in rural Maine, so there was no luxury available to offer them, and by and large they were pretty laid-back folks keenly aware of the fact that they were upsetting your household routine, just as we were conscious of their need for privacy. Of course, I was a teenager back then, so probably some of their idiosyncracies went right over my head.
It wasn't until I'd moved away that I started noticing that some CO couples came with a long list of conditions and a preference for the most luxurious accommodations available in the cong.
I immediately blurt out, "That sounds stressful."
Ekks! it is stressful. I think you gave your aunt an okay to not prepare dinner.
Little messages can change a persons concept and that is your goal.