i find it funny that i forewent marrige because i didnt want to subject a female to my personality disorder. yet so many men in the "truth" target vulnerable females to "compliment" them...(exploit). wow, either i am such a douch that i cant stand myself or completely self aware and acceptant of my assholishness. regardless, as much of a douch as i am, i have not taken someone else down with me. i feel for youre situation.
Jehovah's Secret past life............. by the way no one told me he was married.
by 5go 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Interesting read. Marking.
Hi 5GO. Interesting stuff!
YOU SAID: Yahweh, prior to becoming Yahweh the national god of Israel and taking on monotheistic attributes in the 6th century BCE, was a part of the Canaanite pantheon in the period before the Babylonian captivity.
LARS: I find this statement rather ill-informed and contradictory to the facts. That's because the Exodus occurred at the time of Amenhotep III who was killed in the Red Sea. His son, Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) who followed him on the throne after experiencing the 10 plagues converted to Yahwehism in the form of "Aten" who was a monotheistic god. Even the hymm of Aten is compared with a psalm by David. So to presume the monotheistic nature of Yahwehism was a late invention is specifically incorrect when it comes to the Israelites.
Now it is clear the Israelites did worship foreign gods and the true religion became corrupted, but Yahweh was never officially married to Ahserah.
In the meantime, Yahweh was not unique to the Israelites as your article points out. He was known to other peoples in Caanan. Thus of note, Melchizedek was high priest and king of Salem at Jerusalem when Abraham arrived there. Moses married a Midianite who also worshipped Yahweh. This is similar to the Muslims who worship Allah who is monotheistic and who most consider to be the same God as the Jews and Christians worship.
At any rate, even all of Egypt for a short while were worshippers of Yahweh immediately after the ten plagues during the reign of Akhenaten. The focal worship was monotheistic. This would confirm or suggest that the fundamental nature of Yahwehism has always been monotheistic, though corrupted forms of his worship did take place. Case in point, I believe that even the golden calf was considered as representing Yahweh.
As far as your comments about Cyrus and the Jews go, I don't think you can make the point that the reason Cyrus released the Jews to rebuild was specifically for political reasons. I say that because he released everybody who was in exile and sent everybody to rebuild. So it seems he wanted to simply rebuild the entire region that had been desolated by the Babylonians. Of course, there were political advantages as well.
As far as Solomon's temple goes, I defer to your opinion. But bulidings specifically at Hazor, Gezer and Megiddo more than confirm a time of great statehood and wealth in Israel. This argues against a neglected capital city at Jerusalem. The great building works confirm the existence of Solomon and his greatness. This doesn't translate well in Biblical archaeology because archaeologists use the revised timeline from the Neo-Babylonian Period and the wrong eclipse to date the Assyrian Period, thus David and Solomon are dated a half century too early and thus you have a mismatch for Solomon building at Megiddo and other places. So instead, these great works that attest to Solomon's greatness are attributed to Omri. When you correct the timeline, though, using the VAT4956 to date year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar II back to 511 BCE, then you must use the 709 BCE eclipse to date the Assyrian Period. This means Shishak's invasion occurs in 871 BCE rather than 925 BCE. When Solomon's rule is thus dated from 910-870 BCE then it matches the time of the great building period at Megiddo (5b-4a) which was destroyed by Shishak. As well, you get the correct dating for Solomon when you follow historical references that date the Exodus at the time of Amenhotep III. The Exodus, per the Bible, occurs in 1386 BCE, the same dating you get when you date the Assyrian eclipse in 709 BCE rather than 763 BCE.
Thanks for your interesting article. It should reflect that Akhenaten was a Yahwist, though.