Do you know some witnesses that refuse to go to some restaurants because of the name like....

by Iamallcool 23 Replies latest jw friends


    JW`s are Odd..

    They Refuse to go into the Chinese Restaurant..

    "LongDong Phat"..

    ...................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • respectful_observer

    What about Hooters?

    Haha! I still remember the very first time one of my co-workers convinced me to go to Hooters for lunch. I was petrified that someone from the Hall would see me. Sure enough as I walked in, a brother from my congregation looked up at me from another table with guiltiest of looks.

    I got the same feeling I did the ONE time I ever skipped school and walked into McDonald's with some school friends only to realize I was standing in line behind the brother who'd given my baptism talk.

    The angels are watching!!!

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    No, not at all. What I found interesting was how Brother Elder would like to take new ones to a restaurant and tell the staff that it was new one's birthday. So new one would get cake served and serenaded with"Happy Birthday"

    Or when dining,at a Chinese restaurant the Bethelites would open and read their fortunes from the fortune cookies.

  • Dagney

    I had European JW friends who went to Hooters because they "had good fish." () They also went to full on company Xmas parties.

    My parents let me watch The Adams Family and I Dream of Jeannie, but not Bewitched or The Munsters, and absolutely NO Lucky Charms.

  • Shador

    Or howabout some refusing to use the terms "Deviled Eggs" (they called 'em stuffed eggs) or even "Devil's Food Cake" (chocolate cake would suffice).

    Me and some "weak" JW friends went to DC once and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe there. I bought a Hard Rock Cafe ballcap, which I later made the mistake of wearing around my bipolar JW stepfather. I was lucky my head didn't go in the trash bin with the cap. Hard Rock, of course, is unchristian.

  • Glander

    Would this be a problem? In Portland we have Hung Far Low and have a burger joint south of town called "Wankers Corner"

  • likeabird

    I don't know about you, but when a restaurant is called "My Dung" I'm not sure how many would want to eat there, JW or not...

  • OnTheWayOut

    I knew a dub self-employed in janitorial services (like thousands of others) who thought he should either switch floor wax and stripper brands or else remove all the labels on the buckets because the brand was "Wax Wizard" and it had a Merlin-like wizard with a wand on the label.

    He asked me about it and I thought it was silly.

  • jam

    They have no problem eating at Church's Chicken.

  • Darkside Blues
    Darkside Blues

    Yup, I know Dubs who refuse to eat at Hooters, and local restaurants that have names like "Devil's Alley" (which is a shame since they have good food, lol.)

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