I thought I would share some of my observations on counting field service time, reports, etc. and how those reports are viewed, to those that are still so fixated on numbers.
I served as Secretary on the Service Committee for many years, and have seen it all!
I was really disheartened when WT changed the requirement for Aux Pioneering to allow for 30 hrs, instead of the 50 it has been for so long. Granted, it used to be 60, way back when. I see what they are trying to do... to encourage more to "reach out". Ok, but what really has happened is that the commitment is no longer there. In fact, now it is more of a formality to scribble your name on a piece of paper to get accolades and praise. That's it, period. Now you can be better than the rest of us. And get this..... you don't even have to put in the time! Let me explain:
Experience: Every year, extra effort is made during Memorial Season and Convention season with placement of the invitiations to these 2 events. All are encouraged to "pioneer", to sign up for 30 or 50 hours commitment. Well, what do you think is going to happen? We get a fistful of slips for the 30 hr apps. ( why do 50 when you can do 30??? duh.) As a Secretary, I saw the ACTUAL time put in, or at least REPORTED by all these "instant" pioneers. Out of 30 people, probably 25% came anywhere near the 30hr commitment they signed up for. No one says a word, they just go on their merry way. No problem, right??? WAIT! What if you are an elder or his family???
Like a few, I won't sign up for a commitment, whether it be 30, 50, or 100 hours of anything............ if I know I can't be true to my word. So a while back, during a recent Memorial campaign, my family didnt sign the silly little white papers, committing to anything. Now mind you, we still put forth extra effort to support the distribution of invitations that month, we just weren't guilted into "putting in hours". It was an enjoyable time...
Fast forward to next CO visit, meeting with all the elders. The general gist of part of the conversation went like this:
CO: Look at all the Pioneers you had in March! Wow! That's so encouraging....!!!! Lets see........ looks like all of you signed up............... except Brother Harper.... you did not have ANY representative from your family pioneering............. Why not ??
Tech49: Well brother, none of us in the family were sure if we could meet a particular obligation that month, so we didnt sign anything, we just wanted to enjoy supporting everyone else.
CO: You know, as an ELDER, you have the OBLIGATION to TAKE THE LEAD in the congregation!
Tech49: True, but a certain amount of hours or signing a piece of paper does not mean you are taking the lead or exemplary in anything.
CO: False! The "sheep" hear your name called from the platform, and are encouraged to follow your example!
Tech49: Actually, that is not completely true. The friends are more apt to follow your example when they see you OUT and ABOUT, sharing WITH THEM. Numbers or pieces of paper have little meaning. Here are some actual stats from our congregation, in fact right from the Publisher Cards from some right here on the elder body. (now I am thumbing thru the cards, picking out the cards of the elders and servants, looking at their 'reports' for their month of 'pioneering'. ) Looks like Brother Elder #1 pioneered in March, but reported a whopping 6 hours. His wife reported 7 hours.
CO: Well, I think they were ill for a week or two., we can give them a little break.
Tech49: Let's see.... Elder #2 and his wife pioneered in March, he reported 12 hours, she reported 17. Looks like they didn't meet their obligation either.... just sayin'. In fact, Elder #3 and Elder #4 fell way short in their "obligation" as well.
CO: The point here is that YOU and YOUR family did not sign up for the month like everyone else,.... brother you need to DO MORE!
Tech49: I suppose that's always something to consider, but I don't see the point in signing up for something you can't accomplish. Let your YES mean YES....
..... and so we went round and round for a bit. I just shook my head, amazed at the idiocy of the argument. I wasn't winning any friends today! Should have seen the brothers squirm in their seats!
In the end, it boils down to this:
Reports that you submit for your "hours" in the Field Service at the end of the month seem to be an "end all" qualification for servants, elders, pioneers, etc. Most would assert that the number of hours you put in defines your level of "spirituality". Pure rubbish. It doesnt mean a thing in reality. Its all a way to garner praise for yourself, to be "cool", to get your name read from the platform, to be just that much better than the next guy. In a word: EGO.
Numbers and statistics are grossly blown out of proportion to justify a cause, or to make something look like it is not.
Another example: CO came to visit, wanted us all to focus on starting Bible Studies. OK great.... his goal was to start x number by the end of the week. As the week progressed, he would update us all with how many new "studies" had been started in the field. Soon the number was around 30 !! Um, just how is this possible? His explanation: Ask the householder at the door if you can "come back". If they say yes, go back the same day, stop by later the same morning. BAM! study started!
The untold part of the equation: you never had to actually see them the second time, and you never actually had to study anything with them. Yes, a glorified and painted over Return Visit.
But it sure looked good at the end of week when he could write in his report to "Mother": the congregation started over 30 bible studies this week, with our encouragement and help!
Oh........... my............. goodness.
Of course, the next week, all 30 "studies" evaporated into thin air. Big surprise there....
Ok, one more experience, then I need to go back to work:
Lets look back at Brother P. Noticed on his sheet the following report for a couple of months straight: 213 magazines, 120 books, 6 hrs. or a variation of such.
I'm sorry.... what? Ok, How exactly is that possible. I had to laugh. So what's up? Here is the general synopsis of our conversation:
Tech49: Brother P, am I missing something here? Maybe I misread this, but you are reporting 20 books and 35 magazines placed in the field for every hour? Please help me to understand how this is possible?!
Brother P: Well, I just leave them at doors!
Tech49: Ok......, but how do you go to over 300 doors in 6 hours?
Brother P: (serious now) Oh no, I don't. I just leave a little stack of books and mags at each one!
Tech49: Um...... what.....why?
Brother P: Oh, that's the way we did it in California... it was so fun.... me and another brother would have contests to see who could place the most every month!
Now mind you, he was completely serious. His ability to "place" literature had gotten him the adoration of many, and a little following of sorts. He didnt appreciate me providing some "reminders" that this was not really the recommended way of "placing" literature. DOH !!
To sum up our little plethora of examples: Numbers of hours and amount of placements do not a man (or woman) make. Be true to yourself, be true to your word. If not, you look like a fool.
Jack Harper