Prodigal Son DVD, Seen it? Totally Unrealistic to me. You?

by Wasanelder Once 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Quarterback

    I watched last ight, and I do have some questions.

    The son worked for his dad's business, and he couldn't afford to live outside of the home. He then apparently got a good job, but still couldn't get an appt?

    Both son's didn't have any JW girlfriends, why?

    The singing of the parents were too much.

    In the real illusrtation, the son didn't work, he just squandered his money, came out empty.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I haven't seen the DVD, but I remember the DC drama. I thought it was a mess because the "moral lessons" weren't clear.

    One of the lessons was supposedly, stay at home and work for your dad rather than for a "worldly" company. Yet, there's nobody in our congregation that had a business to hire their own kids or anyone else. When I voiced that observation, nobody else was able to name a JW family that employed their own kids. So what's the lesson? Most JW kids have to be prepared to go out and get a job working for someone else. Does that make them ALL prodigal sons that are about to fornicate and get in car wrecks?

    Some kids are okay with living with their parents for a while after they graduate. But what if their parents live in Podunk where there are no decent jobs to be had? Is it a sin to move away to where there is better opportunity? What of the cases where the kid has nutso parents that fight all the time? And are the JW kids now required to live with their parents until they get married? Now that's a recipe for kids to rush into disasterous marriages to get out from under their parents' roof.

    Another observation I've made with other WT dramas as well: JWs are bad association! From my recollection of the drama, the kid's parents were kinda goofy and his older brother was a bossy, jerkish, bully. They were all JWs, the kind that would motivate any kid to move far away from them. And the kid he moved in with wasn't "worldly", he was a JW. After this drama, I voiced the observation that this was the type of drama that really fueled the judgmentalism of so many JWs. It set a tone for everybody in the congregation to scrutinized whether the teens were "good" or "evil". A situation like that makes it very easy for the kids to make non-JW "normal" friends, because "they're better and nicer than the 'friends' at the Hall."

    There were one or two other observations I made at the time that I can't recall at the moment.


    The love interest was super-hot! So was the Asian girl... Those are my observations..

  • tec

    Little JW goes to a party with JW Spiritual Loser and they drink too much. Loser drives the car, runs a red light and then speeds away from the cop trying to pull him over. He smahes the car, both are arrested, then little JW is released. He has no one to pick him up and

    ends up at his worldly roommate's girlfriends place. A little wine, a little coziness, then its fade to black, he gets some action and ends up on the street weeping all night. Comes home, open arms. Boo hoo Jehovah forgive me, I done got sexy.

    This happens all in one night? LOL. Sure does sound like a movie script! Makes me think of the hangover (toned down, mind you)... or maybe Harold and Kumar.



  • booker-t

    Wasalender-Once I totally agree with you on the point "JW" girls might do the same thing as far as sleeping with a guy they first meet. I realized before I left JWs that they "brainwash" you to believe that JWs are "perfect" and little angels. When I left I saw things so clearly and I realized JWs are just as bad as the rest of the world. They elevate themselves above the rest of the world and try to instill in JWs that the world is dirty, sinful, and full of degenarates. I totally bought into that as a JWs. I remember when I first left the JWs I went to college and one of my classmates was a JWs pioneer young woman. She was very pretty and obviously very sexual. She would talk with non-jws classmates of ours about men, men, and more men. She always wanted her friends to "hook" her up with this guy or that guy. One day I decided to knock her off her pedistal and asked her what Kingdom Hall she went to. She asked me why did I want to know and I told her I was going to report her to her elders for "conduct unbecoming of a Christian" she almost turned blue from the shock that maybe another JW was in the room and could report her. JWs act totally different when they think there is no other JWs in the room but when they know a JWs is in the room they act on their "best" behavior. She dropped out of our class and I never saw her again. I was so glad she dropped because I just cannot stand a phoney JWs.

  • Oubliette

    booker-t: I just cannot stand a phoney JWs.

    As opposed to what, a "genuine JW"?

    All JWs are phony. The more indoctrinated into a cult an individual is, the more phony they are by definition!


    Hey!! I am a phoney dub and I am super-cool!!

  • Peace@50+

    The positive is that the video is very well done, especially considering the Sparlock fiasco of last year. Yes, the video does pull at the heartstrings; however there are some issues that are not addressed. The boy wanted to be a white collar worker instead of manual labor, as his father.

    Why weren’t the parents supportive of HIS desires and support HIM by getting a higher education to achieve HIS goals for his life? Also, just because someone moves out from a ‘Christian’ home it does not mean that automatically they will get in with the wrong crowd. Where was the parental training to teach him to discern people’s motives and actions? Yes, everyone has to deal with ‘the world’ in some aspect, but, where was communication and the training?

    What about financial literacy? Where was THAT training?

    The parents berated themselves over what they had done wrong spiritually. But what about the practical aspects of higher education and socialization? Oh I forgot….if they did that, they would have fostered a well-balanced, independent individual…and what they really wanted was a son to do what THEY wanted him to, not what HE wanted.


    I agree. The Asian girl was HOT! :D

  • yourmomma

    sadly one thing that i was looking forward to when leaving JW's was those worldly girls that would bed you in a heart beat. They dont exist, LOL! Im single and activly dating, and most of the girls I date are normal. Normal is fine, I have no problem with it, but its just another striking realization to how much the watchtower lies about non-jw's.

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