Elders are supposed to call on do not calls once a year to get their ass chewed on by the householder. Why does the borg make them do this? To
humiliate them and make them more loyal?
by hoser 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Elders are supposed to call on do not calls once a year to get their ass chewed on by the householder. Why does the borg make them do this? To
humiliate them and make them more loyal?
I don't know, it seems crazy, they are going to call on someone who specifically asked not to be called on? The dubs where I live come by so often I asked them to put me on the do not call list. It didn't work, they came again. I was polite but told them I was a former member who had absolutely no intention of returning, and that I worked from home and did not appreciate the interruptions. I also called the Kingdom Hall and left a message. It seems to have worked, it will be interesting to see what happens in a year. I will prepare something to say in case they do do come by. I would never be rude, but I also am not afraid to say what I think.
It's in case the person moves house and they get fresh meat.
perhaps they are working on the theory thatsome of theses, anybody that has strong feelings on things religious might flip from negative to positive, still
a nut case but now working FOR them.
I always enjoyed these DNC "doors", nut cases can be disarming, charming.
because someone in the householder's family might die thus causing the householder to change his mind abt JW'S and realize that they have the truth.
I am learning something here. I know that I am on a do not call list because I told the last two JW's (after a conversation with probing questions from me) that I was a former elder and was DF'd for apostasy. This was three years ago. No further calls. I see them in the neighborhood but they don't stop in to say hi at my house.
Surely known apostates are a separate category.
Ultimately the JW's pick and choose who is getting the good news or not. If they don't feel like knocking on your door - they won't. If they feel like 'ghost knocking' (knocking so quietly that no one could hear it) because they don't particularly feel like being out in the field that day - tough shit, you're getting destroyed at armageddon.
I haven't had a knock on my door for 9 years. I'm not on a DNC list - there ain't nothing wrong with access to my door - just lazy ass JW's who aren't as thorough as they should be.
The so-called nut case behind the door at a do-not-call could have been an ex-JW or a relative of JWs who saw the destructive nature of the religion up close and personal. People like this can have a real hatred that is hard to comprehend unless your eyes have been opened. I can imagine if I went off on some poor JW who came to my door, I'd be providing entertainment for a car group of smug morons. I would just have to give a calm refusal and insult to the religion and then close the door. No debate.
The religion likes to call at certain intervals because new owners may live there.
LHG - The religion likes to call at certain intervals because new owners may live there.
Good point. They can't afford to have the bloodguilt for some poor schmuck who just moved into new quarters.
reminds me of when rescuers spray paint a big red "X" on destroyed homes so nobody wastes their time looking for survivors. Infants don't count. Toast 'em !
What the heck?!
I just moved far away. I was going to contact the local kh to prevent them from coming. (I'm originally from NY which makes it "trespassing" for someone to come on your property if they ask you not to, which means they can put you under citizen's arrest. I've written about this here numerous times.)
But many areas get no dubs each year at all anyway. So let me get this straight. If I put myself on the dnc list then I will increase the likelihood of an annual visit.
I was a former elder and was DF'd for apostasy. This was three years ago. No further calls.
So basically my only way to keep them away is to say I'm an apostate.
I think I will. Also, I will throw in the following attributes just to be sure:
What we need is a Sparlock "No Trespassing" sign. Or Sparlock letterhead for our DNC letters.
*off to make letterhead