west Virginia outcasts

by infernosdante 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • StAnn

    Welcome, Inferno. I have JW relatives in Mossy and Oak Hill, WV, and my SIL is from Bennet, I think? You know that West Virginia was the actual location of the Garden of Eden--people are barefoot and naked and think they're in paradise!

    Sorry, couldn't resist.

  • infernosdante

    i dont drink and drive i drank 2 beers on the golf course,2 more times that year i exhibited behavior that appeared to be drunknes,couldnt walk right talk right,was taken to er by ambulance i was having ministrokes,the cop wouldnt take me to er at the time of the incident,despite the pleadings of my wife he said i was just drunk.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Welcome! I'm not from West Virginia. I have visited though and it's beautiful and full of culture. I raised my kids in the foothills of the southern applachians in northwest Georgia. Love the applachians.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Sorry to hear they treated you so shabbily. But none of us here will be surprised.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    InfernosDante ...(((((((((((Hugs to you)))))))))))) It sounds like you were dealt with unfairly. I am sorry that people you served with and thought that they were your friends, turned out...not to be. That is always hard to take.

    If you had not gotten DF'd, I am guessing that you had wanted to stay as a JW in your congo ?

    Are you going to the KHall now, and trying for reinstatement?

    I hope your Doctor has found the reason for your mini-strokes and that your treatment is going well.

    Just Lois from The North Pacific

  • steve2

    Sorry to hear about how you were treated. The organization is obsessed with appearances. Although I am a tee-totaller, I recognize the level of judgemental hypocrisy the organization displays on the topic of alcohol. Virtually anything goes provided you keep up appearances. Your "problem" was having the misfortune of getting caught, first by the secular authorites and then by the elders. I wonder what would have happened if you had immediately displayed abject repentance? I suspect the elders would have still wanted to give the impression of severe disapproval...for your notoreity and to satisfy their need to be seen to doing the "correct" thing. Do you still believe it is the Truth?

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