I recently got hired finally, by a small Pest Control company. Well on my first day I rode along with a guy to train and he strikes up a convo about him and his wife being Christians. He asked me if I go to church and I tell him about my background as a former Witness. Surprises me, when he tells me that his father is a JW and he was raised in the borg until he was 16. He said that his parents had split and he lived with his mom shortly after. She then started taking him to church. Great for him LOL, since he never got baptized and has lived a normal life. Well.....fast forward to today, when I was talking to the co-owner after getting some supplies for work. He asked me about customer service for the job and if I felt comfortable talking to people. I told him that I had no problem, since I've done sales for a short time, worked at a hotel dealing with guests, and (with tongue in cheek) I am a former Jehovah's Witness. As soon as I said that....his eyes lit up! He started asking a BUNCH of questions about my status as a JW. I started to worry if he was one, because he asked me if I was inactive. A Oh shit moment. I was thinking I screwed up with too much info. Well....WHAT A SIGH OF RELIEF when he told me that HIS wife was a JW and that he had stop going to meetings himself. He said that his wife had pressured him to go for a few years and he couldn't do it anymore. She was raised a JW and married him after she left the borg for a while. She went back to the borg after her sister had died and she became "really spiritual". Fortunately for him, he wasn't baptized and he could still have a good relationship with his wife. He said that he didn't believe in a lot of things that the JW did. I told him about some of things that made me stop going. I mentioned the Conti case and this website. He was surprised and seem eager to know more. I'll give a update in a little while
Started a New Job and guess what?
by whathehadas 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Exciting. You'll have to introduce him when he joins up here!
Congrats on the new job, btw.
Thanks StAnn. I will
I'm glad things are going well-- I bet you DID sweat when you didn't know if he was a solid JW!
Take care and keep us posted.
Julia Orwell
Hey small world!
Congrats on getting a job whathehadas!
Would it help your boss to tell him about Steve Hassan's books ("Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), his website www.freedomofmind.com, and/or his videos? If you boss watched Steve Hassan's video "Steve Hassan explains SIA method to rescue loved ones from unhealthy situations (2003)", it might help your boss to start to communicate better with his wife and also increase your boss' confidence in you.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
WE ARE E V E R Y W H E R E ! ! !
I never tell anyone I used to be a jw. EVER!
I find it too embarrassing. I consider my time as a jw to be a character flaw on my part.
Congrats and good luck with your new job btw.
Congratulations on your new job and how nice you have already made a connection with your new co workers. They do sound like they will benefit from knowing you.
@ Tiktaalik, Why do you believe that being a JW is a character flaw? Have you read Steve Hassan's books about dangerous cults? Steve Hassan seems like a pretty intelligent and compasionate guy, and he was recruited by the Moonies! Remember that you also left the WTBTS so that must mean that you have a very good character to overcome the power of the Shun Gun!
Be proud of being an ex-cult member, because you escaped from the WTBTS and are very knowledgeable about how dangerous cults work. Most never-been cult members are clueless about cults and could easily be recruited/trapped by a dangerous cult under the right circumstances.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,