there, their and they're

by LDH 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Trevor, Deacon, I don't think our beef is with different spellings of the correct word, but more with the incorrect homonym being used, period. ;)

    Venice's post was pure brilliance, I wish I could find my little 'spel checkur' treatise....

    Incorrect syntax, while to be somewhat expected on a db, does get a little old and is good humour material.

  • neyank

    Is there going to be a quiz on this?


  • LDH


    In answer to your question, yes there will be a quiz. However, it is purely optional, and since I like you, I will grade your exam on a curve.


  • zev

    here is a thought...
    maybe it is so hard for people
    to get the right words and spelling
    because the english language is a hack job.
    seems to me a long time ago when i was learning spanish,
    (because i HAD to) that one thing that i was impressed with
    is that it was reletively simple to spell, and use the right
    words. i can't speak it now, because i really wasn't interested in learning it in the first place. how many mistakes did i make in my grammer? or spelling? shame shame, but as long as i can get my message across, does it really matter?

    ta ta...
    fur now

  • Deacon

    As the Irish D.O. said, follow me and I'll be right behind you...

    Edited by - Deacon on 6 February 2001 22:43:27

  • LDH


    Agreed. English is a hack job language. However, I don't think anyone here is making fun of ESL-ers. (English as a Second Language).

    If you'll look carefully, you'll see it's a tongue-in-cheek look at people who were raised in an English-speaking country and still don't have the basics of grammar down pat!

    Like when to use 'apostrophe s' vs 'plural s'

    Etc. etc.

    You don't have to laugh if you don't want to, but please leave us in our self-imposed misery without clicking your tongue at us!

    You're (LOL)friend (sic),

  • zev

    oh i understand....
    i did very well with english as a first language, and i'm
    not being critical of anyone, believe me.
    i'm the worst speller and grammer abuser i know, :-)

    and i always wonder everytime i send an email, is it..
    there, their, they're and where DO you put that dang apostrophe thingy anyways?

    its the english language. i have been told by people from other countrys that english is very hard for them to learn, i can understand. its hard for us, and we bloody live here :-)



    Edited by - zev on 7 February 2001 20:52:57

  • LDH


    Your chips story reminds me of the time I went in Taco Bell a few weeks ago. After I placed and paid for my order, I noticed a little chalkboard promo that read:

    'For a few cents more you really can have it all!' --a somewhat lame attempt to sell pretend guacamole for 50 cents a squirt....

    I gave the young man at the register 4 more pennies and told him, "Change my order to all." He did not appreciate my humor.

    A prophet is never honored in his home country.

  • LDH

    Check out this great link for grammar tips...

  • LDH


    Who's vs whose?


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