GB (Splane) says JW parent should "force" their children

by Gayle 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    " Force your children to work for me.......for free ! "

    Yea OUTLAW that's called............Slavery

    Freewill is a thing of the past


  • mrsjones5

    My mother regrets to this day that she didn't force her children to get baptized. I'm amused she thinks she had that kind of power over us.

  • ShirleyW

    Ok Outlaw, you made me laugh of that pic of ol' Bullethead . . . we're both too old be doing that ! ! ! ! !


    Yea OUTLAW that's called Slavery.....WasBlind

    These JW Children are Happy to provide Free Labour for the WBT$..

    It means they won`t be Punished by their Idiot JW Parents!!..

    Life doesn`t get any better for JW Kids!..

    Get back to Work you Lazy Little..

    JW S.O.B.`s!!

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • gingerbread

    We watched the original videos (posted on youtube) that Cedars took clips from (for the JWSurvey video) last night. The long version is worth watching!

    Because the 'talk' is interrupted constantly by the interpreter, we could really listen to what Splane was saying. It seems to make him very uncomfortable. He continues his talking before the interpreter is finished. The arguments made become obviously asinine.

    And the Bible is barely even refered to during the whole talk. It's all about organizational rules and guilt tripping.

    My better half summed it up by saying "They've lost their minds. That guy couldn't even get a job a McDonalds."



    The WBT$ Governing Popes don`t just Talk Crazy..

    They Look Crazy!!..

    Now That`s Dedication!!. .

    Happy Dopey BulletHead BadHair I`mRight Capt.KFC GrandpaMunster

    .......................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • problemaddict

    Good grief. "Just between you and me....." my favorite line of the thing.

    Probably thought he was being cute. The analogy to employment at McDonalds is amazing considering what is being discussed. I can assure you knowing Sweden pretty well, this talk and information was geared to the audience. "some countries" we here of the friends not having their 13 year olds get baptized. Yeah, some countires like Sweden where even the JW's are slightly more enlightened.

  • AnnOMaly

    This was another gem. He 'splained how he would have loved to have spent another 3 hours sleeping in on a cold, NY, Saturday morning, how sometimes his only reason for getting up was because he really enjoyed going out and helping others to learn about God "You. Don't. Miss. Field Service." Not only that, but when you haul your sorry carcass out there, you enjoy it so much and are so refreshed that you want to go back to bed and sleep for three hours!

    Paradoxically, even though he schlepps his sleepy self to the evening meeting, he's so wired he wants to go out for pizza and socialize with the friends.

    Subtext: he was acknowledging that, rather than it being totally happifying and electrifying, Saturday morning FS can be a real drag and so draining that afterward you just want to crash out exhausted for a while. OTOH, evening meetings, while also being a drag, can give you such a buzz as to want to hang out at late night pizza parlors for a while.

    I guess he's more of a night owl than a lark.

  • Giordano

    Dopey is the only guy without a white shirt on. He's letting his inner freak out!

    I have one guestion to ask that GB member ......Hows that Bethel dentist working out for you?

  • frankiespeakin

    Sweden has a no spanking law and they are taking action against child abuse in its many forms Splane should be reported to the proper authorities:

    Mental child abuse

    is at hand when an adult systematically or more often for a long period of time subjects a child to depreciatory judgments, destructive treatment or intentional emotional suffering. In serious cases also occasional occurrences may be qualified as abuse.

    is at hand when an adult systematically or more often for a long period of time subjects a child to depreciatory judgments, destructive treatment or intentional emotional suffering. In serious cases also occasional occurrences may be qualified as abuse.

    (SOU 2001:72)

    Sexual abuse

    against children comprises all forms of sexual acts forced upon the child by an adult. Sexual abuse is at hand when the adult person exploits the child’s state of dependence, when the act is based upon the needs of the adult, when the act violates the child’s integrity, when the act is committed against the will of the child or when the act is one that the child cannot understand, is not mature for or cannot give an informed consent for. (Socialstyrelsen 1999)


    is at hand when an adult, mostly for a long time, harms or jeopardizes the mental health of a child by treating the child, with words or acts, in a condescending way or by attacking the personality of the child.

    Physical neglect

    is at hand when an adult, mostly for a long period of time, harms or jeopardizes a child’s physical health or development by neglecting to guarantee the child an acceptable standard of physical care.

    Mental neglect

    is at hand when an adult, mostly for a long period of time, harms or jeopardizes a child’s mental health or development by neglecting to satisfy the child’s basic needs of e.g. attention, belonging, education, guidance, stimulation and schooling.

    (SOU 2001:72)

    Summary and conclusions

    The social services are responsible for children having been exposed to abuse and neglect or who are at risk of doing so. There is an extensive reporting duty for all staff working with children. Reports should be submitted to the local social authority which in its turn has the obligation to investigate and take measures. The police and the legal authorities are responsible for the investigation of crimes against children and for legal procedures being taken against the perpetrators of the crimes. There is a certain hesitance among reporters vis-à-vis the social services and to a certain extent also a lack of confidence in their work. The main strategy for improving these attitudes lies in an extended cooperation with the so called Family Centres and Children’s Houses where different authorities create joint activities on shared premises. In addition, we have the important development intervention which is being carried out in order to implement the BBIC system within the social services.

    Chapter 4:

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