So I txt my in law who works at the printing facility in the US regarding why there were no Bibles in so many congregations. They never answered for either text. I would say someting is going on with the NWT.
Bibles out of stock
by turtleturtle 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Heck, maybe they'll stop printing the whole Bible.
Considering that they only use 100 or so scriptures over & over & OVER again, they could just print a 32 page brochure with the highlights.
"New World Translation Lite"
"Reader's Digest Condensed Version NWT"
wha happened?
It will be interesting to see what is "adjusted". Likely to support their new found theory on overlapping generations and the FDS
they better hurry and print more bibles before jdubs start reading a different translation. haha
Let us know if you get a reply...
The Bible based WBT$,is out of Bibles?!..
Theres still plenty of Watchtower Literature..
It shows you where WBT$ Priorities are..
WBT$ Literature comes 1st!!..
I would expect the new NWT to be released as part of the Annual Meeting (Saturday, 5 Oct 2013).
Since the Assembly Halls will now be tied into the event, it would allow a GB member to present it to everyone at the same time, instead of releasing throughout the District Convention season.
I would bet a tidy sum that there will be an Annual Meeting release.
Rub a Dub
That is a reasonable speculation.
This is the first time in the WTS's 135 year history that the general JW population is invited to the Annual Meeting.
They've got something up their sleeve - a NNWT would fit the bill.
Maybe they are removing the name "Jehovah" the thousands of times it's been inserted erroneously.
All occurances of Jesus will be replaced with Jehovah. They are bringing the dinosaur back too.