Paris Jackson attempts suicide
by Iamallcool 14 Replies latest jw friends
I see another thread has already been made about this, at least we get an article on this thread.
Maybe you should paste the article into your thread.
I imagine that she misses her father tremendously. Then there's the depressing JW stuff. Add in going between her mother and grandmother and then add in being a 15 year old whose life has probably always been on the strange side. I'm surpised I didn't off myself when I was her age. Being 15 was my hardest year ever.
Paris Jackson, Daughter of Michael, Attempts Suicide
Paris Jackson, the 15-year-old daughter of the late Michael Jackson, attempted suicide on Wednesday.
By Amir Khan, Everyday Health Staff Writer
WEDNESDAY, June 5, 2013 — Paris Jackson, daughter of legendary pop-singer Michael Jackson, was rushed to the hospital early Wednesday morning after an apparent suicide attempt. The 15-year-old allegedly had cuts on her wrists, according to her mother, Debbie Rowe, who told Entertainment Tonight that her daughter had “a lot going on.”
Ambulances responded to Paris Jackson’s home at 1:27 am, according to TMZ, which first broke the story, after a call came in about a possible overdose. However, paramedics instead found Paris Jackson with multiple cuts on her wrists.
"Paris is physically fine and is getting appropriate medical attention," Perry Sanders, attorney for Michael Jackson’s mother Katherine, told TMZ. "Being a sensitive 15 year old is difficult no matter who you are. It is especially difficult when you lose the person closest to you."
Here are some facts you should know about depression and suicide in teens:
- Girls are at a higher risk of depression – Girls are diagnosed more often with depression, and have different symptoms than boys do. While boys will act out and appear more irritable, girls will become withdrawn, self-harm, or develop an eating disorder.
- Teens who have a peer who commits suicide are at a higher risk themselves – In a study published late last month, researchers found that children between the ages of 12 and 17 who knew someone who committed suicide were at a five-times higher risk of having suicidal thoughts themselves.
- Treatment helps, but isn’t a miracle cure – Even teens who are getting treated for depression are still at risk for suicide, according to a study published in January. Researchers found that one in 20 teens who attempts suicide are being treated for mental health issues.
- Teens who are grateful are at a lower risk – Teens who offer more gratitude about things in their life tend to report more life satisfaction and are at lower risk of depression, according to a study published in August.
It’s unclear what led to Paris Jackson’s suicide attempt, and while her father’s death hurt her, it’s far too early to speculate, Sanders told the New York Daily News.
“She’s suffered with the loss of her father,” he said. “But we don’t know what she was exposed to that precipitated this.”
That is sad, isn't it. I imagine it doesn't help that she and her brothers are pawns in the battles over money in that family. Plus crazy JW shit, and losing her father. I am sorry for her.
Julia Orwell
Poor little mite! I sincerely hope she gets the help she needs. Teenagers need love and support.
Love is giving with no thought of getting. It is tenderness enfolding with strength to protect. It is forgiveness without further thought of the thing forgiven.
It is understanding of human weakness, with knowledge of the true man shining through. It is quiet in the midst of turmoil. It is the one altogether lovely, the light in the mother's eyes, the glory in the sacrifice, the quiet assurance of protection.
May Paris also find such peace and comfort... for such lost and troubled souls brings saddness to us all.....
to find a heart even in a troubled scene
I hope all gets better for her.
I AM ALL COOL- Thanks for posting this. What a tragic situation. I really feel for this young lady and all the sadness of losing her dad and general craziness she's had to go though in the Jackson family.
Her mom stating her daughter " had a lot going on ". Might be the understatement of the year, if not the last 5 years. Think about it. Loses her dad in a early death. Is forced to go to JW meetings most probably by her JW grandmother then stands up to said grandmother telling her she doesn't want to go out in service anymore. Has to listen to the Jackson " adults " in her family last year go through a money grubbing quarrel with her grandmother. Then is expected to get on the stand in court and testify regarding her dad's murder from the doctor who gave her dad lethal doses of drugs. Yeah- I'd say it's pretty accurate that this 15 year old has a lot on her plate. No small wonder she attempted suicide. I wonder about adults treatment of teenagers in situations like these. I hope she gets the help she needs
Did cultish religion move Paris Jackson to commit suicide?