Where in the Bible does it state that Adam and Eve are unrepentant sinners and therefore deemed forever in the grave with no chance of resurrection, of course? Is this another scare tactic for the weak-minded recruits? I believe their theory is based on mere speculation and simply used to convince the new recruits as well as the experienced members to refrain from questioning/going against their Superiors otherwise Jehovah will deem you an unrepentant sinner. How can these members live with such harsh, mental abuse? We have spent many years researching this cult and their scriptural interpretations have many many holes, it is overwhelming. It is sad to see how these people are being treated by the Watchtower. It's quite disturbing, indeed. My heart cries out to those trapped in the Watchtower Web. The Jehovah's WITLESSES are a sad group indeed.
Is this another scare tactic for the weak-minded Jehovah's Witness recruits and experienced members?
by I_love_Jeff 13 Replies latest jw friends
Separation of Powers
The Bible does not state that they were eternally destroyed due to being unrepentent sinners. The organization, to my knowledge has never said that "without a doubt" Adam and Eve were eternally destroyed. No, they have simply stated that Adam and Eve were "evidently," "doubtlessly," incontestably," incontrovertibly," "indisputably," "it would seem," and "obviously," "eternally destroyed as unrepentent sinners!"
finally awake
I thought that the argument was not that they were unrepentant but rather that they were perfect when they rebelled and therefore not eligible for a second chance since Jesus proved that a perfect man could be sinless even when faced with great temptation. The only reason any humans get a second chance is because we were all (except Adam, Eve, and Jesus) born imperfect (the dented cake pan theory) and sinful.
That's funny SOP! I remember it being made clear that because they had been perfect when they sinned, no paradise for them. But I also remember asking this, "if Adam and Eve were perfect and they still sinned then won't people who make it into paradise also be able to sin?" I got dirty looks for that one! I was told that if you sin in paradise that Jehovah will just get rid of you no questions asked so you don't start the whole thing over again. lol
Originally Russell taught that Adam was redeemed and that the ransom was only for Adam.
One redeemer was quite sufficient in the plan which God adopted, because only one had sinned, and only one had been condemned. Others shared his condemnation…One unforfeited life could redeem one forfeited life and no more. The one perfect man, “the man Christ Jesus,” who redeems the fallen Adam (and our losses through him) could not have been a ransom for all under any other circumstances than those of the plan which God chose. – The Divine Plan of the Ages p.132 (1886)
Rutherford changed the doctrine in 1939
The judgement entered against Adam was just, it must stand forever. - Salvation p176
This continues to be the Watchtower position.
That’s a good point, now that I think about it: The Bible doesn’t actually say in so many words that Adam and Eve have no future prospects of a resurrection. The Bible says that the wages sin pays is death – and since Adam and Eve have already died, then according to that line of reasoning, they have already been acquitted of their sin.
However, I guess according to the Watchtower’s point of view, Adam and Eve would have “sinned against the holy spirit,” as apparently did Judas Iscariot and some of the Pharisees who attributed Jesus’ miraculous powers to Beelzebub, ruler of the demons (Satan the Devil). I suppose that if it’s possible for an imperfect person to commit unforgivable sin, then things probably wouldn’t go too well in that respect for someone who commits sin in that way who is actually “perfect” (i.e., Adam and Eve).
I guess whether any sinner would or could be resurrected would ultimately be up to what kind of person God would want to bring back.
Of course, that would all be based on the assumption that this whole Adam and Eve scenario of the Bible turns out to be reality, in any event. All well, who knows. I think that in the meantime our bodies have a sure date with the old dust anyway. (Like squirrels!)
Excellent point SAHS
As noted, the Bible does not say.
Of course, that has never stopped the WTS from expounding at length on their opinions of what God ought to do.
All of the above assumes, of course, that the mythological persons "Adam" and "Eve" really existed and performed the acts described in Genesis.
About as likely as the exploits of Hercules, Theseus, Ulysses, etc. being true history.
new hope and happiness
Earthfire, whete did you learn Adam was created petfect? Where in the bible does it state this?
If Adam was created perfect how could he become imperfect? that would be impossible.
You may say he had free-will but that does not mean Adam was created perfect.
new hope and happiness
Earthfire, whete did you learn Adam was created petfect? Where in the bible does it state this?
If Adam was created perfect how could he become imperfect? that would be impossible.
You may say he had free-will but that does not mean Adam was created perfect.