FlyingHighNow , After I read yours, I thought PARSNIPs, yuck. lol
I didn't like Rutabaga's either. A sister made them along with a turkey dinner to welcome me to their congo many years ago. She said just try them. They were good! But I was an adult then. lol Not a kid. (She cooked them half and half rutabagas and farm carrots).
We had my daughter's worldly school friend over for lunch. For dessert, we had French Apple Pie Yogurt (is what it tasted like. Don't quite remember it's official yogurt name). She said "Gross". I said, "Is it the name that grosses you out?" "Yes". I told her I didn't like the name either but it really tasted pretty good and I would give her a quarter, if she would just take a tiny taste. She said yes, OK and tried it. I lost a quarter and she became a dedicated Yogurt eater! True story.
Just Lois