Now they can mingle inconspicuously with the 'other sheep' without being 'made an example of' (for better or worse).
I'm so glad the anointed were 'demoted'.
by a watcher 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
And now they know that the GB doesn't want their input any more than it wants the input of the other sheep.
But they probably knew that anyway.
I think this was on the cards for a long time TBH.
Even when I was a JW Elder I had the feeling that the F&DS were the GB.
There was an elitism with some of the 'annointed' that I noticed over the years. A self importance that sometimes spilled out into total arrogance.
I now believe the 'anointed' label is just a delusion that gives a nobody a sense of being a cut above.
.....but then I don't believe in god and all that jazz now.
So now the GB become the FDS and become the leaders of the whole thing. They can tell everyone what to do/what not to do, including the anointed.
Yet Jesus said in Matt 23:10 "Neither be called 'leaders', for your Leader is one, the Christ."
Righton, Tornapart!
That scripture you note is one they NEVER EVER STUDY. All they study is the one before it--"Call no one on earth Father..."
They absolutely made themselves the authoritative Teacher above all others--including Jesus.
What came with the demotion? A pay cut? A restriction of superpowers? Disconnection of the hotline to the big guy? What?
a watcher:
I agree with you. I got totally sick of this religion with its "classes" and people trying to climb the stupid ladder. I wonder what was the sense of these people "coming out" in the first place? Was it to get special treatment, respect or more? This totally smacks of lack of humility.
Even if somebody did turn out to be anointed (which is not something we can know anyway), that is not relevant here and now on the earth, unless they thought it would gain them something tangible.
Nobody in that religion ever got special respect from me. I didn't care what they thought about themselves or what the other deluded people thought about them either!
What came with the demotion? A pay cut? A restriction of superpowers? Disconnection of the hotline to the big guy? What?
A lesser distinction may stem the influx of new, eager members into that [self-]select[ed] group. If there no longer exists a psychic dais for wafer-grazers, the line-up may thin out by disaffection.
Cold Steel
Taylor Caldwell wrote a book years ago entitled Devil's Advocate. It took place in the future when the United States was a dictatorship. After the civilian leadership proved to be incompetent and corrupt, the military took over. Using planned starvation and shortages, the American public was manipulated into "sacrificing" endlessly for one cause or another. The only priviledged class left were the farmers, who were allowed to have their homes and their servants as long as they kept production going.
Well, there's an underground group that's infiltrated the military, and their plans are to restore the U.S. Constitution and freedom, and the head military guy is a member of this group. He appoints a real go-getter, also a member of the secret Minute Men, to take over Section 8, which is a farming district. The idea is to work everone up to a state of rebellion by mistreating them, so he moves his men into a farmhouse and moves the farmers into subsidized housing with the servants. Well, the farmers are livid. They're big, have nice families, get respect and eat very well. He next decides (after a while) that they shouldn't eat the fat of the land while their fellow citizens eat rations, so he signs an executive order and with a stroke of his pen has them eating the equivilent of ready to eat meals. The only problem is, this makes him popular with the masses and he can't have that, so he begins to burden them more until he's hated and feared. Soon other section leaders are doing the same until, finally, at the end, everything blows. The top military guy is murdered in an uprising and now citizens are coming for the section leaders.
This thread reminded me of that story. Sounds like the faithful and wise servant (who actually is nothing but a metaphor in a parable) has decided they don't want to share the power. Oh, woe is me! Since the anointed class is actually just a myth and there aren't two classes, the so-called anointed will soon learn that they're no better or worse off than their earthbound buddies. In the Father's house there are many mansions, or degrees, and everyone will receive a physical resurrection, like Christ's.
The parable raises the question of whether the servant is good or evil. That's because the members of the church are the servants, not a group of leaders. Jesus was teaching of individual readiness. He's the bride's groom and the church is the bride. The members are the servants, some good, some ready, others evil and not ready. The faithful and wise servant is a member of the Christian church who is ready to receive the Savior. The feeding of the other servants is something every Christian should do, not just the Governors. If someone is needy, help them; if someone's hungry, feed them; if someone needs comforting after a loss (even a pet), comfort them and resist the urge to denigrate animals or the deceased. Giving the servants food isn't sitting around the table and coming up with creative doctrines to be shoved down the throats of the people.
It's also odd that this is the ONLY scripture the GB uses to get a blank check on limitless power and authority. Yangmask is right when he says that the elders and overseers might be in a state of apostasy. After all, they can rob someone of their friends and family, make their lives miserable, force them to believe outlandish things like not wanting to seek a higher education or that Armageddon is a worldwide battle. But it's their mess. If the anointed wanted to make a point, they'd get together, make the GB elected positions with term limits. Get the church behind you and appoint new ministers. But do it discreetly....
The moves of the GB are not directed by god or holy spirit. The motivating thrust is power and money.
Which one of the GB was it that said '..we love this IDEA...' when referring to the 'new light(TM)' of the GB take over? He used the word 'IDEA' not 'revelation from god' or somesuch. It was no mere slip of the tongue.
Much 'new light(TM)' is to perpetuate their business. Now the GB have assumed total control everyone below them can bog long as they continue to give money for the GB's cushy lifestyle and paedophile protection scam.