Do you know of any cases where brothers didn't get to be elder for a stupid/bogus reason even though they otherwise qualified? Do you think some/most appointments are politicially motivated? How much do you think politics plays in the appointment process versus merit? How about jealousy as a factor? Or brothers who are already elder looking at a potential elder as competition for themselves later on so they either stonewall or even make-up reasons to hold back the appointment? How widespread is all of this?
Brothers who were held back from being elder for stupid reasons?
by toto555 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
One brother, an MS, was repeatedly overlooked for promotion to being an elder.
He spoke to one of the elders to ask what he was lacking.The elder said that he could not be appointed because he had a beard.
"But I do NOT have a beard!" said the brother, "Just a moustache!"."You have a Lip Beard", he was told.
True story.
Splash. -
About a year ago just before I started the fade a brother in our hall was told he could not be an elder by our CO because the elder body did not know what he was studying with his family on Fmaily Worship night. This is no lie.
He said as the elder body we need to know whether or not he has his family are studying the deeper things and what he is instilling in his child.
Another brother was not appointed because he had not placed a book in over a year. The CO said - You can pretty much just give a book away. Especially with all the campaings etc... what has this brother been doing in the field
One brother moved into our congregation, and was a COBE in his past congregation. He worked hard on a KH revation project, and he only averaged 7 hrs per month for those three months. The BOE, and CO all recommended him to serve as an elder, but the report came back as denied. The Branch wrote back to request that this brother increase his hrs to 10 a month before qualifying as an Elder again. Nobody had told this real reason to this poor brother. I moved away and thought that this matter was brought to his attention. He moved out of the cong, got to qualify, because the renovation was done, and the new cong appointed him. He spent years angry at the previous congregation, thinking that they weren't agreeable to his qualifications. What a waste of time for this industrious brother.
I have heard, and it happened to me as an MS that they will appoint you, and then tell you that you are lacking somewhere. One elder I know of was appointed while living out of the congregation territory. Then a new CO rolls into to town and now he doesn't qualify because he doesn't live in the territory.
As for me I qualified for MS until the following April when I didn't sign up for auxillary pioneering. I no longer qualified
so much for holy spirit
Use the search function on this site . You'll be amazed at all the elder horror stories .
Checkout this classic
Room 215
If anyone were "turned down" from being an elder, they were done an immense favor.
That's so f&@*() funny. Idiots...
Quote : Room 215 " If any one were "turned down" from being an Elder,they were done an immense favor.
That is so true....
I was an Elder once and when I look back I can see how full of myself I was.
Huddling in secret Elders meetings, going to Elders school, giving the congregtion needed "counsel".
The adulation after giving a public talk. Great stuff !
But I stepped down, and now I can see how much I was caught up in that "position" thinking.
Now I can avoid those deadly Elders meetings, no school to have to attend where we are told to be loving and caring while at
the same time being indoctrinated with all the rules that they say they don't have.
No " shepherding calls" which were masked as such but really were done to lay down the law to those not
doing what was considered necessary. ( Get your 10 hours in !).
I got human again.
I was appointed as a pioneer, but never as a ministerial servant let alone an elder. I was never given a reason for the denial even though the circuit overseer vouched for me. As it was, matters worked out better for me without the appointment. I was free to do other things which congregation officers would have found difficult to pursue as well as the freedom from burdens I would not want to assume.