Scare mongering videos abound, but this one is a bit better than average. What they forecast may well happen given another 3-4 generations. A Muslim leader was sayign the same thing here in Sydney yesterday.
Islam 'penetrates' Europe.
by fulltimestudent 30 Replies latest social current
Not the first time.
Islam penetrates Europe?! Did Europe get a nice steak dinner first! That is very interesting though. Can't we all just get along......
I discovered TTATT sping of '01. After 9/11 I remember thinking that if JW's were told by the society on any given sunday 'it's not just God's war anymore' and they armed themselves... presto... you'd have something looking like this. In other words, JW's are one WT away from being Al-Qaeda. I've not really changed my mind on this.
People call this fearmongering... how can this not be upsetting? Will Western Europes' triumphs in freedom, ideology, and democracy be looked back on as a brief golden age before another dark age?
Seriously, I'm asking... if somebody has a 'nah, nothing to worry about, and this is why....' please do tell.
harry good comment
*HarryMac is standing in Barlow's Bookies*.....
[ ^Coronation Street reference for you non-commonwealthers. ]
....yelling 'Come on China! Let's go China!'
Do you really think that they have a significant percentage of zealots that would resort to this?
Gypsy Sam
Those that follow this info do seem confident that given the huge difference in their birth rate per woman, versus American or European women( who stastically have significantly less children these days) this is a distinct possibility 20 years from now.
Do you really think that they have a significant percentage of zealots that would resort to this?
What percentage of a population are the politicians that make something law? It's much more believable than 8-12 men telling 6 million to not take blood or ignore their families.
Nathan Natas
Europe will be toast by 2025.