Seriously? Someone was rude to you and you later wondered if you fantasized an encounter where someone made the badness all go away? Really?
Very Upset- Would Like Feedback
by Band on the Run 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You are not responsible for the actions or thoughts of other people in this world.
there are 'good' people and there are bad people.
Funnily enough, I was having a conversation quite by chance the other evening with a woman,
who is very 'spiritual' but not religious.
We talked about 'energy'. good energy, bad energy.
look for the good, avoid the bad.
Your very upset, naturally, but don't let the 'bad' vibes get to you, shrug it off, think of the positives.
Apologies first of all BOTR - I'm in a very "strong" mood - like I could take on the world!
It's not pleasant when we get treated like that by anybody. I'm just so cynical that I kind of expect that treatment and am ready and guarded for it, so usually when someone does the opposite I'm trully astonished and moved by that.