What about your vow to Jehovah?

by a watcher 287 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Did you get baptized without being dedicated?

    Why did you allow men to come between you and Jehovah?

    Why were you serving Jehovah at all? Out of love, or for other reasons?

    "Whenever you vow a vow to God, do not hesitate to pay it...What you vow, pay. Better it is that you vow not than that you vow and do not pay." (Ecc 5:4,5)

  • sir82

    Your assumption seems to be that all ex-JWs have become atheists or at least have stopped worshipping God.

    That assumption is wildly inaccurate.

    Next questions?

  • leaving_quietly

    My dedication was to God. It was not to an organization.

    *** w66 10/1 pp. 603-604 par. 15 Serving with Everlasting Life in View ***
    This is what we mean when we dedicate our lives to Jehovah. We do not dedicate ourselves to a religion, nor to a man, nor to an organization. No, we dedicate ourselves to the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe, our Creator, Jehovah God himself. This makes dedication a very personal relationship between us and Jehovah.

  • Ding

    What should a JW do when he discovers that the organization he thought was Jehovah's... isn't?

    Should his loyalty be to God or to men?

  • leaving_quietly

    To God, who said this:

    “This is my Son, the beloved; listen to him." - Mark 9:7

  • Glander

    My baptism vow at 11 years old kind of reminds me of when my seventeen year old wife signed a sales order for a $350.00 set of encylopedias from a door to door salesman while I was at work one day.

    I wiped my a-- with it.

    Why did you allow men to come between you and Jehovah?....awatcher

    The more posts I read from you..

    The more I don`t believe you`ve ever been a JW..

    With the exception of the 144,000,the WBT$ GB is mediator between God and man..

    Men between God and the Average JW,is built into the WBT$ system..

    My question is:

    "If your a JW,why don`t you know that?"..

    ....................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • cantleave

    We eventually grow-up and stop beleiving in fairy tales. It just took me 42 years.

  • jam

    After learning who Jehovah is and what he stands for, it

    was nullified.

  • irondork

    Ding: What should a JW do when he discovers that the organization he thought was Jehovah's... isn't?

    Should his loyalty be to God or to men?

    If something comes up that we do not understand [ like discovering TTATT ] we will wait patiently until it is made thoroughly clear to us. If we feel sure something is wrong [ like evidence of TTATT ] we will ‘keep the commandment’ of our Father and take whatever theocratic steps are open to us [ like sit down and shut up ] and then wait on Jehovah. We will not ‘forsake our mother’s teaching’ by immediately beginning to criticize and find fault [ like asking to many questions ]. We will realize that Jehovah knows what is going on in his [ his... HIS... HA! - oh, how they slay me ] organization, and if he is willing to permit it, who are we to insist it should be different [ scriptural ]? If we really have faith [ properly conditioned cult thinking ], we will know that if it is wrong he will straighten it out eventually [ or nonsustainability forces our hand ], and we are far safer inside his organization even with these minor [ like bleeding to death, et al. ] difficulties than we would be on the outside where only chaos and destruction [ and freedom from mind control ] await us.

    w/57 5/1 Trust Your Proved, Faithful Brother page 284

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