I have had bad teeth my whole life..... BUT..... Armageddon was imminent!
I am in my late 50's...
We were told, "Don't get an education, by the time you get out of school, you won't be able to use your education."
So did I get braces? no... not until I was in my 40's... If I had gotten them as a teenager, my teeth would have been spaced evenly, I could have fit floss inbetween, and had less decay....
I always thought, "Oh well, it costs sooo much money, I'll just wait, Armageddon will be here before I have to deal with it"
You will have to deal with it....and you might lose your teeth. I brush and floss, but I have crowns, etc... you can get build up under them. My dentist showed me pictures of the tartar... It made me cry.
I have a $17,000 bill facing me...... but, I will be able to eat!
Get your teeth cleaned regularly... (which means at least ONCE, if not twice a year)