I have been pondering this thought for a while now, perhaps you all can expound on it a bid. The bible describes God as "Jealous", having great "Rage". "burning anger". Many citations show people to have great "fear" of him, and not the "fear of displeasing" as some would have you believe, but a genuine FEAR.
Sometimes he is shown to have "listened" to humans, allowing their line of reasoning to influence his decisions on matters, decisions that at times have been made in haste, with great emotion. Hmmm, an all-knowing God that has his mind swayed by humans?
He is said to "permit" wickedness, yet some he destroys in a single sweep! He is said to demand complete loyalty and respect, absolute obedience and servitude, yet willing to kill billions of men women and children who have never heard of him.
These are just a few quick examples of where I am going with this thought: These are qualities and attributes that you would certainly find in an arrogant, power-mad despot of a man, not a God of ultimate wisdom, are they not?
A great clip from Star Trek 5, the Final Frontier is in order here.
Here is a link to the video, maybe someone can make it live, or post the video itself?
Jack Harper