What would you say?

by nicsfreedom 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    "... lets just say there was a mass awakening. For those of you who have suffered from atrocious behavior from friends and family, how would you really react? What would you say?"

    I'd say, "Let's PARTY!"

  • LostGeneration

    A mass awakening would only happen if the leaders admitted that they were scamming everyone all along, or they took the money and ran off to tropical paradise.

    I put the chances of that at less than .1%. Even if that happened, the vacuum would be filled by those still captive to the concept, and though there would be a fracturing, 80% of the JW population would find their way into a splinter group.

  • rebel8

    I wouldn't say anything unless directly contacted with an apology. Then I'd need to decide how to react. It would depend upon the severity of the offenses and the sincerity of the apology.

    It comes down to whether or not the person has truly changed. I would not want a relationship with people who just left a religion but hadn't purged and healed the evil inside their souls.

    Even then, many people are simply not ones I'd have anything in common with or wish to be friends with.

  • JWOP

    I would say:

    "I TOLD you so! .... now c'mon and give me a big hug!"

  • Fernando

    Good question. The day will come. TTATT cannot be resisted indefinitely - with such lame reasoning, indifference and lack of answers.

    The most evil people I have ever met in more than 4 decades are members and leaders. They need the Watchtower so much that they will resurrect it in some form. I do not care to ever again hear from them or about them.

    However, for the most part, the R&F are nice people who have been deluded, taken captive, kept hostage, spiritually starved and raped. I would gladly support any former friends who needed help in readjusting to the real world.

    (Why do followers of the Watchtower religion call themselves “publishers of the Good News” whilst unfamiliar with the “Good News” according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • flipper

    If any of my JW family members awakened to the reality they were duped by a mind control cult called the WT organization- I'd welcome them with open arms. No harm, no foul. I would help them onto the road of freedom of mind. Peace out, mr. Flipper

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