There are oddles of parochial schools in this country. Let us see the proof of your discrimination. Because I read neutral state/church law journals regularly. We come from a Christian tradition originally. Most colonists were mainstream Protestant. The fundies would not be welcome in their culture. Educated clergymen were very respected. Colonists knew their Bibles backwards and forwards. This is not 1789. No one can say Americans are from a Christian tradition anymore. We are much more diverse. Schools are to teach basic skills, such as reading and arithmetic, and also to teach American civic values. They do not exist to raise Christians. No way. Never.
You want to practice and impose your religion, go to church and pay for parochial school. Other Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, agnostics, atheists, Jews, Sikhs, Confucianists, etc. should not pay taxes for your church. OUr money should go to our faiths. This has never been a Christian country. The Christian Founders went to remarkable lengths to make certain we were not Christian. Jerry Falwell would be rejected in most colonial centers at the time. It was a literate population. Indeed, it was a middle class population for the most part. Many of our Founders said they were a religion but never bothered to ever attend church or pick up a BIble. Sophsiticated people ran Congress and the White House.
You were dictating to us here what to believe. In fact, someone I shall not name claimed to hear from a Jeshusyaimg directly. There was no proof. Yet if anyone asked for clarification, we hated all people in the world who worship God. I call it publicity wh... or schizoprenia.
If I ever thought you were even vaguely hurt for being what you term a "believer," I would be the first to intervene despite my own beliefs. Go believe your beliefs. Don't impose them here and when others differ, cry like babies and scream discrimination. Because, unlike you, I know what discrimination is. What needs to be established and what the burdens of proof are.
No one has ever been discriminated here b/c of their beliefs. People who think so are mentally ill or stupid. But you people love drama. You invent a fantasy that has no relation to reality where you are poor, oppressed people and if we don't bow down and worship one person hearing lunatic voices, we are the personification of evil. Grow up. Don't waste your time here. Preach to the choir. This is not the WT.