144,000 virgins?
by zound 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oops posted this without the content.
Question was: what do the GB explain the 144,000 not having 'defiled themselves with women' parellal. (and does this not mean that the 144,000 should all be men?)
Doctrines change but I think the women represents other religions. Religion represent false teachings. They keep themselves clean by not defile themselves with Christendom. The Jehovahs Witnesses have not defiled themselves with false doctrines like Trinity or Christmas.
So that photo in the Proclaimers book of the bethelites celebrating Xmas (presuming there were some annointed in there) was of them popping their cherry?
I never understood the attraction to virgins. Experienced ladies are so much more enticing . . .
The 144000 virgins make up the bride of Christ, I bet he'll have a real sore dick when he's done deflowering them.
Actually, the "women" here is a reference to Babylon the Great and those women, prostitutes, connected with the ancient mysteries. To be "virgins" in regard to not being defiled by any of the pagan concepts, that is the "mark of the beast" relates to a core doctrine in the mysteries which is white supremacy. (666=KKKay)
The 144,000 are all natural Jews. To fulfill the covenant with Abraham, even though the Israelites were punished and cast out, a remnant, a root was still to be part of the kingdom and this would be 1/10th of the entire whole (Isa 6:13).
"Isa 6:13 And there will still be in it a tenth, and it must again become something for burning down, like a big tree and like a massive tree in which, when there is a cutting down [of them], there is a stump; a holy seed will be the stump of it.”
Now, how would 12,000 from each tribe of Israel be around during the last days? The only way that was possible would be for some from the 1st Century to never die and live down to modern times and at some point to marry into indigenous populations around the world to reconstitute the 12 tribes of Israel. That is, by the time Christ arrives in 1992, there would be a million or so descendants of those in the 1st Century who never died who could prove their linage connection to the 12 tribes. This fulfills Isa 60:22:
ISA 60: 22 The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time.”
That is, there would be a time when basically "nobodies" of any significance in the 12 tribes would be chosen to become a nation.
Having said that, since the mysteries were linked to white supremacy, to avoid any of the new 12 tribes of Israel from these individuals from the 12 tribes from being corrupted in any way with beliefs of white supremacy, it was decided that the new 12 tribes of Israel would be generated among non-white indigenous peoples. Bottom line is, you can't be a white supremacist unless you're actually white. That doesn't mean whites are excluded from the kingdom, it just means none of the 144,000 making up the natural Jewish 1/10th of the kingdom would be from among non-whites assuring they were not influenced by pagan mysteries which focus on the white nations. So in that sense, they remain "virgins" as far as being defiled by any pagan concepts relating to white supremacy.
I know this is sensitive, but that's the actual fulfillment. The 12 tribes of Israel now actually exist again based on descendants of one or more persons from the 1st Century who never died. Tbhey cannot be defiled by "women" who promote white supremacy because none of them are white. If the 144,000 make up 1/10th, of course, then the entire number in the kingdom is 1,440,000.
So take it or leave it, that's how they are "virgins", undefiled by a core element of the mysteries, which is teaching that whites are superior to any other race.
So that's basically what that means. The newly constituted 12 tribes of Israel all come from non-white peoples. This prevents them from being corrupted by any adoption of racial superiority linked to being white and thus they are all virgins in that regard.
Now I know this is touchy, so I don't plan to elaborate on this, but that's the actual fulfillment for any who were actually wondering. This is not a point of a discussion. It's a point of fulfillment.
144001: the preoccupation of males with small waist/ new females is an evolutionary thing. Males do not want to raise offspring that were fathered by earlier comers.
Wt explained the virginity of the sealed ones, with Paul words who wanted to present the congregation to Christ as a pure un-adulterated bride.
Any relation with politics worldly religion would render your offspring (fruits) suspect.
best not to be a prude if you are a bible reader.
The pre-occupation with virginity goes way back in human history.
A recent Wt publication asserts that Abel died at around 100 years old, apparently childless. a virgin for sure? Abel leaving no widow?
what do the GB explain the 144,000 not having 'defiled themselves with women' parellal.
They pretend it means 'not defiled by the world'. Which is, of course, entirely meaningless.
(and does this not mean that the 144,000 should all be men?)
Why would it mean that?
The '144,000' is just a bunch of superstitious numerology that treats the numbers 1000 and 12 in a special way. It doesn't mean anything useful at all.
the "mark of the beast" relates to a core doctrine in the mysteries which is white supremacy. (666=KKKay)
Larsinger58 has reached a new low.