As I understand it disfellowshipping started in the early 1950s, but the elder arrangement didn't come I to place until 1971. Nowadays three elders discuss and then vote whether the disfellowship. But what did they do when congregations didn't have a body of elders. Who decided when to disfellowship then? The presiding overseer all by himself?
How did disfellowshipping work before the elder arrangement?
by slimboyfat 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I joined up in 1968 and seem to remember that there was a congregation servant who was chairman and two other 'servants' who joined him in discussing whether someone should be disfellowshipped or not. Very similar to today in fact. Certainly behind closed doors.
it was called the committee. same result as now. but back in the early 60's it was common for the reason to be announced--such as adultery. ( this was in the UK ). smoking wasnt then a DF offence--just couldnt be a servant or pioneer. lots of bros smoked then.
AlanV is right on. Not much much has changed as far as procedure. Before Elders, each Cong had Cong Servt -- Asst CS -- and a 3rd (BS Servt or something like that). Only 3 bosses. Elder arrangement made the number unlimited -- all who "qualified".
In the US, it was custom to announce reason for DFing also. Attorneys probably got all that changed as they got sued for slander.
im stuck in
Exactly bigmac a committee of three made up of congregation servant, and two others. It was started by N H Knorr to solve some petty problem of his. It has always been a disgusting practice. When any religion tears you away from your family it is a crime in my mind. I can see keeping people away from your precious other cult members but not your family.
I so wish that someone could sue and win over the family shunning issue but it has been tried and they are always exonerated lying sob' s. Anyway just my two cents. stuck in
When any religion tears you away from your family it is a crime in my mind.
yep--i would just love to meet my grandchildren--just to talk to them--so they know who i am. before i die.
they only live 8 miles away-- 6 of them ---plus i more--no idea where that one is--think its a girl.
oh--and i hate the watchtower society.
Before the elders arrangement there was 1. P.O. 2. Field Overseer 3. Bible Overseer or Bible Study Overseer I don't remember which. These were permanent positions. They made up the committee for J.D. I may be wrong on the right name for those positions but I do know that's how it worked. Totally ADD
early 1960's. The presiding minister, the assistant presiding minister then the Bible study servant or ministry school servant. They were usually the most experienced personal as well as having to be recommended for and monitored as they served by the circuit servant. I only remember one DF growing up in my home congregation over a ten year period. When I served where the need was great we had to disassociate a young brother who decided to join the Army. There was a special handbook for that so we didn't violate his right to serve in the military. When the Elder system started up I thought it was a good thing at first (I was long gone by then)but since coming on this forum and hearing all of the stories it seems to have turned into a monster. Having 8 to 10 Elders seems to have infected ego's as well as adding some nasty people to the ranks. Bottom line........... do away with shunning! Then of course watch your attendance drop by 50%!
P.S. Throwing a child out of the house at age 18 is the worst reaction to a teenager who rebells or makes a mistake. Doing it to keep your Elder position is about as unloving as one can get.
congregation servant
assistant congregation servant
bible study servant
*** w71 11/15 p. 694 par. 22 Appointed Officers in the Theocratic Organization ***
There is also an assistant congregation servant, one capable of serving as chairman at any time that the congregation servant cannot do so. According to the Scriptural requirements, he is not an assistant overseer, but he is an overseer and “older man.” Because there is a tremendous teaching work going on by the conducting of private Bible studies in the homes of interested people, the congregations also have an appointed Bible study servant. Inasmuch as the Bible requires of overseers that they be “qualified to teach” and be “holding firmly to the faithful word as respects his art of teaching,” this Bible study servant must also be an overseer and an “older man.” (1 Tim. 3:1, 2; Titus 1:5-9) These three servants have been used as a judicial committee to handle matters of serious spiritual concern.
*** w70 7/1 pp. 396-397 par. 13 Judges and Counselors of a New Order Society ***
There are three mature men that usually sit on such a case, namely, the congregation servant or overseer, the assistant congregation servant and the Bible study servant. These must be men who have proved to be faithful and who love justice and mercy. (1 Tim. 3:1-10) Cases of serious wrongdoing that affect the congregation and its standing with God as well as those things that bring reproach on the congregation are handled by these three appointed men known as the “congregation service committee.” These men act in safeguarding the doctrinal and moral purity of the congregation.—1 Tim. 4:11-16; 5:19-21; 6:3-5, 13, 14, 20; Titus 3:9-11.
*** w66 9/1 p. 539 A Provision for Spiritual Help in Times of Need ***
This protective helpfulness is manifested by such mature Christian servants in the congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses, not only when individually offering assistance to others, but also when matters of serious concern require that several of them meet together as a committee to give attention to a situation. Such a committee is usually made up of the overseer, or congregation servant, the assistant congregation servant and the Bible study servant, or it may include some other mature Christian brother.
*** w62 10/15 p. 632 Bible-based Society of Kingdom Witnesses ***
A service committee composed of the congregation overseer, assistant congregation servant and Bible study servant are primarily charged with that responsibility. If they find that through immaturity or imperfection one makes a misstep before he is aware of it, and he is sincerely repentant, the committee may show mercy and place such one on probation. (Gal. 6:1) But anyone making a practice of sin must be disfellowshiped. (1 Cor. 5:9-13; 2 John 10, 11) One disfellowshiped and later reinstated cannot be recommended as an overseer or ministerial servant, since his reputation is not above reproach. (2 Cor. 2:5-11; 1 Tim. 3:1, 2, 7; Titus 1:7) The committee and the Society will take appropriate disciplinary action against any dedicated minister who does wrong, regardless of his position in the organization. Since each Christian follows Christ and not men, this action should not be a cause for stumbling to one who loves righteousness. (Heb. 12:1, 2; Luke 17:1; 2 Pet. 2:1, 2) Rather, it is an assurance to you that you are associated with a clean organization, one that God will bless.—Eph. 5:27; 1 Pet. 1:15, 16.
Today if a congregation does not have enough elders to make up a committee, elders from nearby congregations can be appointed by the CO. Same procedure. In the 50's there were congregations made up of only women...same procedure. CO appoints elders to act as a committee from another congregation.