Congratulations to Justitia Themis on all her hard work at putting herself through Law School. After being raised in the Watchtower Organization and having survived all of what that entails she has picked up the pieces, analyzed her strengths and has made choices to better herself and the community.
I am so proud of her. We have known each other for about 30 years and we were in the same congregation for most of those years. I have always admired her. She was never afraid to speak up. I was taken aback at times because of her boldness, but I think her boldness was the shield that protected her from those who would want power over her. At meetings, when her hand would raise to make a comment I would wonder what she was going to say. Usually she would phrase her thought with a slant that wasn’t quite united with what the speaker was looking for, still her point was valid and could not be argued. Her sense of fairness was evident. Once her #3 talk on the platform included information about why participating in jury duty wouldn’t be wrong. I don’t remember how she worked that into the topic but it must have raised some eyebrows and again it could not be argued.
I used to watch her giggle with another sister at some of the hogwash that was pronounced from the stage and I wondered how she could get away with it, her disregard was so obvious, but to my knowledge she was never reprimanded for her cool directness nor her flippant behavior which helped her get through another fifth grade level meeting.
Should you decide to walk through her guard you will enjoy a ‘knock your socks off“ beauty with emerald eyes that might seem to search your soul. If you stay a little longer you will see her sensitivity and insight and enjoy her straight forwardness and sense of humor especially when it’s directed at the absurd.
She has worked in the prosecutors office in our city twice a week for her internship. Next comes the bar exam.
Congratulations Justitia, see you at the ceremonies.