If they were confident about their teachings, and the brothers and sisters strong faith there would be no worry about listening to apostates. Their faith should be to strong to be shaken if it was the "TRUTH".
600 people up and left the DC after the 'apostate' talk?
by Julia Orwell 61 Replies latest jw friends
Since I have to make some kind of appearance at the DC (for appearance sake), I suppose I'll try to be there to hear this talk with my own ears. After about 3 years lurking, reading, and eventually posting here, I think there are a lot of "apostates" still in attendance at meetings & conventions. SO many are trapped "IN". Hopefully, like DATA-DOG, they have quit giving them their money! (It's always about the money!) Thus, while still attending, they are running up the costs but refusing to defray any of the costs. Sadly, that means the Org will bleed dry those still blind and faithful.
Whether the 500+ drop in attendance was because of the apostate talk or not, you'd be hard-presseds to deny that the rhetoric is cranking up to desperate levels.
and said fully 600 people left between the end of the apostate talk and the lunch break.
I call bullshit on that come on who's doing the counting ???
in any case the WTS. leaders are indeed getting nervously paranoid about their little pretentious kingdom crumbling away.
No wonder they're bringing out talks pointing the finger directly at so called ( Anti-Watchtowers)
One can expect there will be closer scrutiny going on at the local Kingdom Halls for supposed apostasy in the near future.
The inter-net is doing a pretty good job of exposing what the WTS/JWS was and is, that being a culpable fraud deviously created
by men running a religious publishing house.
FINKELSTEIN- You can call bull$hit on whatever you'd like- but at JW District conventions, Circuit Assemblies, and regular Kingdom hall meetings they DO take count and record attendance statistics of everybody attending. They assign two JW men to walk up and down the aisles DURING the convention and they do take an actual count and turn the attendance figures in to higher ups. I know I was a JW attending for 44 years and I was an attendant taking count myself at times
The Truth should be able to stand up to all scrutiny.
I listened to that talk and I have to say, according to the talk, the apostates have little to do with drawing away from Jehovah, but drawing away from the organization. That should flow up a red flag.
usually by the afternoon im looking around to see which"sister" has the most provocative outfit on,while a pink floyd sound track plays in my head lol
In the youtube- just the fact that this bethel speaker tries to impute " impure " motives to apostates for revealing WT falsehoods - shows how they are trying to shut down any interest in what apostates have to say. This speaker told so many lies in his talk his nose must be growing like Pinocchio's. Most all of us after exiting the Witnesses have PURE motives of helping people escape from a mind control cult- we aren't looking at destroying the person's faith- just rebuilding their own faith within themselves. But not according to THIS Bethel speaker. The misinformation techniques given to the audience is very insidious and tricky, and dishonest
FINKELSTEIN- You can call bull$hit on whatever you'd like
I know about the attendance counting Flipper, I was JWS for 20 years.
The point I was making is the actual counting of the supposed people who left the Talk itself.
The exact number of 600, really like I said who did that counting ?
Well Finkelstein- if you do the math and say the attendants counted 2000 let's say for the morning program and then announced that attendance at the end of the morning session ; and then announced at the end of the afternoon session an attendance of 1,400 - then that may be how Julia's friend came to that conclusion - you think that may be possible ? Just sayin'